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Insight Article  •  23-déc.-2024

Navigating the Curve 

Fixed Income Team
In this piece, fixed income managers investing across the duration spectrum outline strategies for seeking higher current income and capital appreciation during this period of change in bond markets.

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2025 Outlooks  •  20-déc.-2024

Rapidly Changing Global Macroeconomic Environment May Boost Hedge Funds 

Mark van der Zwan, Jarrod Quigley
We believe that hedge funds are poised to capitalize on what could be a rapidly changing environment, while delivering a source of uncorrelated return and diversification within portfolios.

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2025 Outlooks  •  18-déc.-2024

2025 Real Estate Outlook 

Tony Charles
As the global macro-economic environment continues to improve, the case for real estate investing has become more compelling. After a period of moderation and stabilization in 2024, we believe that 2025 will see a transition into the next upcycle for real estate. Inflation is trending down, interest rates are falling, and valuations are troughing.

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2025 Outlooks  •  18-déc.-2024

2025 Private Credit Outlook 

David Miller
Discover why we believe robust private equity activity has a potential to bolster private credit with growth across a diverse landscape.

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EDGE  •  18-déc.-2024

Driving Change: Autonomous Vehicles Revisited 

Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global’s Disruptive Research revisits their 2017 paper on Autonomous Vehicles, highlighting key developments, challenges, and opportunities around trucking and robotaxis. 

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2025 Outlooks  •  18-déc.-2024

2025 Private Equity Outlook 

David Miller
Discover why we believe that, as venture-backed companies stay private for longer, there is an increased need for growth equity and hybrid capital.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-déc.-2024

Vidéo: Maintenant, nous attendons 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Que signifient les changements dans l’économie mondiale et l’incertitude politique pour les marchés obligataires en 2025 ? Dans notre dernière vidéo, nous discutons de la manière dont ces facteurs peuvent influencer les marchés et des mesures que nous prenons pour faire face à la complexité croissante de l’année à venir.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-déc.-2024

Now We Wait 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
How will bond markets decipher the true state of economy and the scale of the incoming administration's polies? The Broad Market Fixed Income Team explores.

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Caron's Corner  •  16-déc.-2024  •  5:19 Min

The BEAT - Outlook for 2025 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  13-déc.-2024

Saudi's Inner Focus 

Amy Oldenburg
Eight years ago, Saudi Arabia initiated an ambitious plan to transform its economy and reshape its global identity by 2030. Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity, looks at the Kingdom’s progress to date.

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The BEAT  •  11-déc.-2024

The BEAT - Outook for 2025 

Portfolio Solutions Group
The investment environment to start the new year is quite interesting. The Portfolio Solutions Group looks at five key themes going into 2025.

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Global Multi Asset Thought of the Week  •  09-déc.-2024

Will Trump 2.0 Be as Good for the Markets as Trump 1.0? 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Markets are bullish on Trump’s second term, hoping for tax cuts and better growth. We expect no net stimulus and a decent size hit from tariffs and immigration. This should be bullish for bonds as the Fed continues cutting, but could be a disappointment for frothy stocks.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  05-déc.-2024

Equity Market Commentary - December 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
"In his December TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon details why he believes the “optimism phase” of the bull market is commencing right on cue and what that holds for 2025."

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Consilient Observer  •  05-déc.-2024

Charts From the Vault: Pictures to Ponder 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We publish some of our favorite charts that have gone unused or overlooked. We place the pictures in five categories: overall valuation, empirical regularities, capital intensity of big energy versus big technology, corporate performance, and investment management. Some challenge conventional wisdom, others address empirical observations that remain unexplained, and a handful compel a nuanced view.

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Mensuelles  •  04-déc.-2024

The BEAT - Décembre 2024 

Portfolio Solutions Group
Utilisez The BEAT comme votre ressource efficace pour les marchés de ce mois-ci. Chaque édition vous donne des idées et des connaissances qui vous montrent comment naviguer dans l’environnement d’investissement actuel.

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Caron's Corner  •  04-déc.-2024  •  8:09 Min

The BEAT for December – Key Themes and Top Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Equity Observer  •  30-nov.-2024

De solides perspectives à long terme pour le secteur de la Santé 

Marcus Watson, Helena Miles
Après avoir dénoué les distorsions liées au COVID, le secteur de la Santé a nettement sous-performé le marché. Ce secteur se classe malgré tout en tête de nos deux indicateurs de qualité préférés que sont le ROOCE et les marges brutes, et enregistre la deuxième plus forte croissance du BPA de tous les secteurs de l'indice MSCI World au cours des 20 dernières années. Les anticipations solides sont renforcées par le vieillissement rapide de la population, des opportunités inexploitées, de la nature non cyclique de la demande et du vaste potentiel d'innovation technologique.

Investment Insights  •  29-nov.-2024

Semi-Liquid Private Credit: A Quiet Revolution 

Patrick Reid
Discover why the availability of semi-liquid vehicles is rising across the alternative investment space, with the largest increase in private credit solutions.

Insight Article  •  27-nov.-2024

Dispelling Myths About the Costs of Reform 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
Do all tough reforms have a high political cost? Reformist governments in Southern Europe are proving otherwise. By taking important policy decisions early, governments in Cyprus, Italy and Greece are not only seeing stronger growth than their norther peers but rising popular support as well.

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Caron's Corner  •  25-nov.-2024  •  5:03 Min

Working on a Dream? Low Inflation and Strong Labor Markets 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  22-nov.-2024

Video: Riding the Rollercoaster 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
In his November video bulletin, Chief Investment officer Michael Kushma shares his thoughts on where fixed income markets may be heading now that the US presidential election has passed. Watch to find out why he’s focused on three key themes: Trumponomics 2.0, steepening yield curves and areas of opportunity for fixed income investors.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  21-nov.-2024

Des hauts et des bas 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
L’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income analyse les enjeux des élections américaines pour les investisseurs obligataires.

Insight Article  •  18-nov.-2024

IMF Fall Conference Highlights Importance of Country Fundamentals 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
Insights from the IMF's fall conference reveal a nuanced global outlook, underscoring the critical role of country fundamentals in emerging markets. Read our on-the-ground report for the key highlights and analyses.

Insight Article  •  14-nov.-2024

A New Management Approach for a New Market Regime 

Jim Caron, Ryan Meredith, Laura Biancato
Today’s new interest rate and inflation regime deviates significantly from the past 40 years. As such we believe investment professionals should consider modifying their investment process.

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Alternatives  •  13-nov.-2024

Financing the Geothermal Transition 

Adam Ross
Geothermal energy can supply reliable, sustainable, baseload power offering significant potential as an energy source, but commercial deployment has been limited. Our 1GT team co-hosted a roundtable during Climate Week to discuss future pathways.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  12-nov.-2024

Video: The Industrial Reset in Emerging Markets 

Amy Oldenburg, Jitania Kandhari, Saumya Jain
Emerging markets are buzzing with renewed manufacturing activity after years of sluggishness. This resurgence is fueled by strong government support, improving macroeconomic conditions and new supply chains. Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity highlights a recent report by Jitania Kandhari and Saumya Jain explaining the transformational changes that are taking place.

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Caron's Corner  •  11-nov.-2024  •  6:08 Min

Trump 2.0: What’s at Stake and How to Position Portfolios 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Insight Article  •  11-nov.-2024

An Introduction to Alternative Lending 

Kenneth Michlitsch
As investors seek to diversify their portfolio exposures beyond traditional assets, alternative lending may offer attractive absolute and risk-adjusted return characteristics.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  07-nov.-2024

Equity Market Commentary - November 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
"In his November TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses his post-election thoughts on the equity markets and why, he expects potential strength to continue into 2025, albeit more muted."

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Global Multi Asset Thought of the Week  •  07-nov.-2024

China: Smoke and Mirrors 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Chinese stocks are likely still underowned by local and global investors but their superficially low multiples do not represent a compelling reason to go overweight China until policy measures sufficient to solve its debt deflation problems are implemented.

Insight Article  •  01-nov.-2024

Unintended Consequences: The Economic and Corporate Trade-Offs of Tariffs  

Broad Markets Fixed Income
What are the economic and corporate consequences of higher tariffs? In this insight, our Broad Markets Fixed Income team explores the potential trade-offs and knock-on effects of raising tariff rates.

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Global Equity Observer  •  31-oct.-2024

Le cas de la Consommation de base 

Nic Sochovsky
La valorisation relative du secteur de la consommation non cyclique et sa pondération dans l’indice MSCI World n’ont jamais été aussi faibles depuis 25 ans. Et pourtant, malgré quatre années particulièrement turbulentes, le secteur a fait preuve de résilience. Avec une croissance alimentée par les revenus récurrents des ventes de produits du quotidien, leur résilience opérationnelle en période de ralentissement économique confère aux entreprises du secteur faisant preuve de souplesse, d’innovation et investissant beaucoup dans leur marque un rôle majeur dans nos portefeuilles.

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Alternatives  •  30-oct.-2024

Hands-On Operational Improvement Key to Creating Alpha in the Middle Market 

Aaron Sack, Patrick Whitehead
A successful approach to operational value creation has been key to driving successful private equity outcomes over the last decade. It is increasingly important as we adjust to an environment of higher interest rates and inflation, lower levels of financial leverage, and uncertain macroeconomic growth.

Insight Article  •  29-oct.-2024

The Tide Turns for Emerging Markets Debt 

Emerging Markets Debt
Emerging markets debt is currently benefitting from a favorable macro backdrop, attractive real yields and growing investor appetite. Will these tailwinds continue through the remainder of 2024 and what should investors be on watch for? Read the latest views from our Emerging Markets Debt team for insights into these questions and more.

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Caron's Corner  •  28-oct.-2024  •  6:04 Min

A Tactical De-risking and Fed Cut in November? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Engagement Report  •  25-oct.-2024

Engage Autumn 2024 

Marte Borhaug
The latest edition of Engage, the International Equity Team’s semi-annual update on their ESG engagement activity.

Insight Article  •  25-oct.-2024

Encouraging Positive Sustainability Alignment in the Securitized Market 

Gregory Finck, Anuj Gulati, Erin Glenn
The Mortgage & Securitized Team believes that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are an essential component to investing in securitized markets. In this paper, they explain how these considerations are integrated into their investment process.

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Alternatives  •  24-oct.-2024

Long Short Equity Strategies: "Hedging" Your Bets 

Eric Stampfel
Amid market uncertainty, investors may be seeking ways to add resilience to their portfolios. Long-short equity strategies have the potential to deliver steady returns in volatile markets.

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Global Multi Asset Thought of the Week  •  22-oct.-2024

The Most Contrarian Outcome - No Landing 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
Given a strong consensus for a Soft Landing and lingering Recession fears, No Landing would be the most contrarian scenario for markets. In fact, there are some hints that the dichotomy between strong spending and weak labor markets could resolve in favor of No Landing.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  22-oct.-2024

Video: Hidden Gems 

Amy Oldenburg, Steven Quattry
Amy Oldenburg, Head of Emerging Markets Equity at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, believes savvy investors should take a closer look for hidden gems in emerging and frontier markets.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-oct.-2024

Video: Goldilocks Redux? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Is market optimism about rates too high? Find out why high volatility potential and tight spreads are making us choosier about bonds.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-oct.-2024

Le retour d’un scénario « Boucle d’or » ? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
L’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income analyse l’impact des baisses de taux de la Fed en septembre pour les investisseurs obligataires.

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Consilient Observer  •  15-oct.-2024

Measuring the Moat: Assessing the Magnitude and Sustainability of Value Creation 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Strategy explains how a firm builds a moat around its business to pursue sustainable value creation. We begin by showing why strategy matters while also distinguishing between industry and company life cycles. We turn next to industry analysis as we get the lay of the land. We then discuss industry structure and disruption and dis-integration. We finish with firm analysis. We examine the sources of added value and review pricing decisions, regulation, and brands. We include a checklist.

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Global Equity Observer  •  15-oct.-2024

Faut-il mettre en place un système défensif basé sur des titres de grande qualité ? 

Bruno Paulson
Le calme est revenu après la pression subi par les marchés boursiers durant l’été, mais cette correction a fait office de test grandeur nature pour nos portefeuilles mondiaux qui, malgré les craintes, ont bien résisté avec un gain de 1 % alors que l’indice MSCI World a chuté de 7 %. Alors que les investisseurs anticipent à nouveau des perspectives favorables, comme si les baisses de marché ne s’étaient pas produites, disposer d’un portefeuille caractérisé par des bénéfices résilients et des valorisations raisonnables peut servir de moyen de défense de grande qualité, comme ce fut le cas cet été.

Insight Video  •  14-oct.-2024

Recognized Resilience: A Stock Story 

International Equity Team
One of our holdings has been around since 1892 and is enjoyed 2 billion times a day. With a strong brand, entrenched intangible assets, high returns on operating capital and significant pricing power, it’s exactly what we look for. Learn about our approach to long-term compounders for long-term investors.

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Caron's Corner  •  14-oct.-2024  •  5:18 Min

A Bull in a Candy Shop 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Insight Video  •  14-oct.-2024

Health and Resilience: A Stock Story 

International Equity Team
Our life sciences companies form a crucial part of the health care supply chain. Their products are a fraction of their customers’ cost base, they benefit from the nondiscretionary nature of health care demand and their regulatory framework makes it very difficult for customers to switch suppliers—making them a good example of the resilience we seek.

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Insight Video  •  14-oct.-2024

Elevating Resilience: A Stock Story 

International Equity Team
We own a leading elevator company that services over 2 million elevators globally—which typically remain in service for decades. As the installed base of elevators around the world continues to grow steadily, this creates a very reliable profit stream that illustrates our preference for long-term compounders for long-term investors.

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Market Insights  •  11-oct.-2024

Breaking from the herd: What the differing pace of central bank easing could mean for fixed income 

Broad Markets Fixed Income
Central banks are lowering policy rates, but the pace and magnitude varies by market. The Broad Markets Fixed Income team explains what the variable policy paths could mean for fixed income investing ahead.

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Alternatives  •  11-oct.-2024

An Introduction to Private Equity Basics 

Morgan Stanley Private Equity Solutions Team
Within the private alternatives universe, private equity is one of the most rapidly growing asset classes. With a range of strategies, private equity investing offers distictive qualitative characteristics that differentiate the asset class.

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Webinar  •  10-oct.-2024

The BEAT Quarterly Webinar – October 2024 

The quarter ahead and top asset allocation ideas from our investment specialists moderated by Thomas Chaussier, Head of Investment Management France.

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Insight Article  •  10-oct.-2024

How Higher Yields and Growing Alpha Opportunities May Lift Hedge Funds 

AIP Hedge Fund Team
The MSIM Hedge Fund Team explores the ways in which hedge funds may directly benefit from a higher cash yield environment making them compelling options as sources of returns and diversification.

Media Appearance  •  10-oct.-2024

Vishal Khanduja on CNBC Squawk Box Asia 

Vishal Khanduja
Vishal Khanduja joined CNBC Squawk Box Asia to discuss his view that the U.S economy is on track for a soft landing and how that impacts his fixed-income strategy.

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Market Monitor  •  10-oct.-2024

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q3 2024 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

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Market Monitor  •  10-oct.-2024

Municipal Bond Market Monitor – Q3 2024 

Municipal Bond Group
Overview of the trends and developments in the muni bond markets.

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Market Monitor  •  04-oct.-2024

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q3 2024 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

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Caron's Corner  •  03-oct.-2024  •  7:19 Min

The BEAT for October – Key Themes and Top Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  02-oct.-2024

Malaysia's Newfound Stability 

Amay Hattangadi, Uday Tharar, Aayushi Kukreja
After four years of political turmoil, Malaysia’s recent stability is paving the way for the government to implement critical reforms, ultimately making the country’s prospects promising. Amay Hattangadi, Uday Tharar and Aayushi Kukreja explain.

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Alternatives  •  26-sept.-2024

Outlook for Direct Lending 

Morgan Stanley Private Credit
Direct lending continues to offer compelling relative value compared to other asset classes and offers attractive diversification alternative to public fixed income. Further, when considered in the context of public markets, direct lending has significant room to grow.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  24-sept.-2024

Video: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
When the Fed says "cut," investors ask "How deep?" Find out where we stand on current rate forecasts, plus our outlook for the credit market and the US dollar.

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Media Appearance  •  24-sept.-2024

Craig Brandon on CNBC The Exchange 

Craig Brandon
Craig Brandon, Co-Head of Municipals at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, joins CNBC The Exchange to discuss how rate cuts will affect municipal bonds, how the election and tax rates could impact municipals, and more.

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Alternatives  •  20-sept.-2024

Why Invest in Asian Private Equity? India as a Potential Breakout PE/VC Market 

Pamela Fung
With Indian public markets having experienced a strong run-up since 2020, global allocators have been turning to Indian private equity. In this paper, we aim to examine the promising performance potential of Indian private equity.

Insight Article  •  20-sept.-2024

Climate Change is Here… And So Is the Need to Embrace Sustainability in Real Estate 

Laurel Durkay, Mona Benisi
The MSIM Global Listed Real Assets Team explores why investing sustainably matters in real estate, who is setting the priorities for sustainability, how we integrate ESG into real estate investing and where we see sustainability trends evolving.

Insight Article  •  19-sept.-2024

2024 Midyear Outlook: Hedge Funds 

Mark van der Zwan, Jarrod Quigley
Our hedge fund team discusses their outlook and the opportunities they are seeing for the remainder of 2024.

Insight Video  •  18-sept.-2024

Look to Emerging Markets When Rates Fall Again (Video) 

Brad Godfrey
Co-head of emerging market debt Brad Godfrey shares the potential diversification, income and return advantages of a growing and powerful asset class.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-sept.-2024

Un début de période tonitruant qui annonce peu de changements ? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Malgré une volatilité sans précédent au cours des deux premières semaines d’août, les obligations ont de nouveau enregistré d’excellentes performances durant le mois. Les explications de l’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  17-sept.-2024

Equity Market Commentary - September 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
"In his September TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses why, like in previous US Presidential election years, this time of equity market volatility is a period to be a patient and intentional investor, in preparation for a likely strong finish to 2024."

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Caron's Corner  •  16-sept.-2024  •  4:25 Min

Have Glory Days Passed You By? Maybe Not. 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Media Appearance  •  10-sept.-2024

Craig Brandon on Bloomberg Surveillance Radio 

Craig Brandon
Craig Brandon, Co-Head of Municipals at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, joins Bloomberg Surveillance Radio to discuss the muni market, its focus on infrastructure, the opportunity in high yield munis right now and how sectors such as commercial real estate may impact the municipal market.

Insight audio  •  06-sept.-2024  •  33:43 Min

Mark van der Zwan on Resonanz Spotlight: The Evolution of Hedge Fund Investing 

Mark van der Zwan
Mark van der Zwan, Chief Executive Officer for Morgan Stanley Investment Management's Hedge Fund team, appears on Resonanz Spotlight to explore the past, present, and future of hedge fund investing

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Caron's Corner  •  05-sept.-2024  •  8:12 Min

The BEAT for September – Key Themes and Top Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  04-sept.-2024

The Industrial Reset in Emerging Markets 

Jitania Kandhari, Saumya Jain
Assembly lines worldwide are humming with activity, signaling a promising revival of the manufacturing sector after decades of sluggishness. In emerging markets, this capital expenditure revival is being supported by governments and better macro conditions. Jitania Kandhari and Saumya Jain explain.

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Caron's Corner  •  26-août-2024  •  7:56 Min

A Tale of Two Economies: The Best of Times, The Worst of Times 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Equity Observer  •  26-août-2024

Niches : Sortir des sentiers battus  

Richard Perrott
Si nos portefeuilles regorgent de grands groupes possédant des marques solides et reconnues, nous savons par expérience qu’il est aussi possible d’identifier de très bonnes opportunités d’investissement en ciblant des entreprises intervenant sur des segments de niche, en particulier celles jouant un rôle majeur sur un marché spécifique et entretenant d’étroites relations avec leurs clients. Malheureusement, même si cela n’est pas très surprenant, ces entreprises se retrouvent rarement sur le radar des investisseurs et passent fréquemment entre les mailles du filet de l’analyse sell-side.

alternatives page
Alternatives  •  23-août-2024

All About Alpha: Capturing Returns in Today's Market Environment 

Kara O'Halloran
Discover why the current market is conducive to market-neutral strategies, with the ability to generate alpha on both the long and short sides of portfolios.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  15-août-2024

Video: Poland's Quiet Convergence 

Amy Oldenburg, Eric Carlson, Ravi Jain
Teetering on the edge of bankruptcy as the Berlin Wall came down, Poland defied expectations to become a critical manufacturing hub for western Europe. In this video, Amy Oldenburg, head of Emerging Markets Equity, explores how Poland transformed its economy and became one of the most successful nations to emerge from the former Soviet bloc.

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Insight Article  •  15-août-2024

A Compelling Opportunity in REITs 

Laurel Durkay
Given the Fed is expected to start cutting interest rates in 2H24, we believe now is an excellent time to consider an allocation to REITs.

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Video: Can the Fed Take Home a Gold? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Explore the latest expectations for Fed rate cuts, reasons to closely watch the US elections, and why we continue to favor short-duration credit.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  12-août-2024

La Fed peut-elle réussir sa mission ? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Malgré la réticence de la Fed à s’engager sur une trajectoire monétaire spécifique, les investisseurs obligataires ont repris confiance. Les explications de l’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income.

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Caron's Corner  •  12-août-2024  •  7:00 Min

There Is Nothing to Fear, but FEAR Itself! 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Market Alert  •  12-août-2024  •  7:09 Min

Market Alert with Andrew Slimmon 

Andrew Slimmon
Andrew Slimmon, Head of the Applied Equity Advisors Team, offers a timely perspective on what is shaping the markets now as well as insights on investment opportunities and risk within global equities. Listen to his Market Alert.

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Aperçu de l'article  •  09-août-2024

Stratégies alternatives : Une accessibilité accrue pour les investisseurs et ce que les conseillers doivent savoir 

Frank Famiglietti
La « démocratisation » des actifs alternatifs a permis à de nombreux investisseurs d’accéder à des stratégies d’investissement susceptibles d’améliorer la performance et d’accroître la diversification de leurs portefeuilles.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  07-août-2024

A New Era in South Africa 

Paul Psaila
In a remarkable twist of events, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa turned a potentially career-ending electoral defeat into a victory that may reshape the nation's political and economic landscape. Paul Psaila explains.

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Media Appearance  •  06-août-2024  •  28:05 Min

Jeff Levin & Ashwin Krishnan on InsuranceAUM Podcast 

Jeff Levin, Ashwin Krishnan
Jeff Levin and Ashwin Krishnan discuss private credit, its outlook and where they see opportunities, on InsuranceAUM’s podcast.

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Media Appearance  •  06-août-2024  •  36:45 Min

Aaron Sack on InsuranceAUM Podcast 

Aaron Sack
Head of Morgan Stanley Capital Partners, Aaron Sack, discusses how to build a successful middle market buyout strategy, and the role of private equity in market growth.

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Caron's Corner  •  05-août-2024  •  5:29 Min

The BEAT for August – Key Themes and Top Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  29-juil.-2024

Le cas Nvidia 

Bruno Paulson, Laura Bottega
Le marché semble dominé par deux croyances, celle de l’invulnérabilité de l’économie américaine et celle de l’impact massif de l’IA générative. Un tel environnement n’est pas des plus favorables pour une philosophie d’investissement qui recherche des gagnants bien établis dont les bénéfices résistent durant les périodes difficiles. Toutefois, les attentes globalement élevées et de plus en plus fortes à l’égard d’une entreprise en particulier, nous rendent nerveux quant aux perspectives du marché. Nous restons fidèles à notre processus de qualité et nous nous concentrons sur la capitalisation absolue à long terme.

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Caron's Corner  •  29-juil.-2024  •  6:55 Min

Introducing our FEAR Framework: Fed, Employment, Assets and Rates  

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Alternatives  •  25-juil.-2024

How Multi-Manager Platforms Find Strength in Numbers 

AIP Hedge Fund Team
In recent years, multi-manager platforms (Multi-PMs) have completely transformed the hedge fund world. In this FAQ, we answer fundamental questions about these Multi-PMs. What are they and why are they attracting so many investors?

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  24-juil.-2024

Which One Is It? Equity Issuance and Retirement 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Consilient Research considers the phenomenon of companies that both issue and retire shares around the same time. This behavior may fail the central goal of capital allocation, which is to buy low and sell high. Which one is it?

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Video: Roller Coaster Continues as Elections Generate Volatility 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Co-Head of Broad Markets Fixed Income Vishal Khanduja discusses the probability for a U.S. soft landing, the heightened political uncertainty and how investors should think about positioning for volatility.

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Insight Article  •  23-juil.-2024

After Trough NAV Discount Comes Trough NAV 

Laurel Durkay, Simon Robson Brown, Christopher Freemantle
Historically, the trough in European listed real estate NAV discounts has preceded the trough in values and NAVs by around six to nine months. We think this time is no different, and that now we’re at—or very close to—trough NAV for the sector.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  23-juil.-2024

Equity Market Commentary - July 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his July TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon reiterates the rational behavior of the stock market so far this year given corporate fundamentals and stock performance appear closely aligned. And discusses why, in spite of nearer term volatility, the market could finish the year higher still.

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Market Monitor  •  16-juil.-2024

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q2 2024 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

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Market Monitor  •  16-juil.-2024

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q2 2024 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

Insight Article  •  16-juil.-2024

Look to securitized markets for alternative sources of yield 

Andrew Szczurowski, Gregory Finck
The impressive performance of corporate credit markets to start the year has prompted many investors to begin seeking out alternative sources of yield and total return in the global fixed income markets.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  16-juil.-2024

Roller Coaster Continues as Elections Generate Volatility 

Fixed Income
June was a mixed month for fixed income. Lower US yields were supported by weaker-than-expected inflation and increased market expectations of further rate cuts.What was the impact on fixed income markets? The Broad Markets Fixed Income team explains.

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Market Monitor  •  16-juil.-2024

Municipal Bond Market Monitor – Q2 2024 

Municipal Bond Group
Overview of the trends and developments in the muni bond markets.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  11-juil.-2024

Hidden Gems: Unearthing the Potential of Overlooked Markets  

Steven Quattry
Small emerging and frontier market countries have weathered crises this decade, but are implementing reforms based on orthodox economic policies. Despite massive currency depreciations, the equity markets in many of these countries, such as Argentina and Pakistan, have generated stronger earnings per share—in dollar terms—compared to the broader MSCI EM Index. Steven Quattry explains why these countries merit a closer look.

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Global Equity Observer  •  11-juil.-2024

Réflexion indépendante 

William Lock
Si le débat entre gestion active et gestion passive est bien connu, il ne s'agit pas nécessairement d'une décision binaire. Nous pensons que la coexistence de l'investissement indiciel et de la gestion active dans les portefeuilles est tout à fait justifiée. Si les fonds indiciels offrent une large exposition et un accès flexible et bon marché à des thématiques tactiques, il existe toujours une opportunité d'être davantage sélectif, en particulier si l’on considère les biais présents dans les indices. Lorsque les cours des actions sont déconnectés des fondamentaux, les bons sélectionneurs de valeurs peuvent en tirer parti, à condition de disposer d'un horizon temporel plus long et d’une dynamique haussière alimentée par une expansion excessive des multiples.

Insight Video  •  10-juil.-2024

High Yield Bonds: Three Things to Watch in Today’s Market (Video) 

Dónal Kinsella
Portfolio Manager Dónal Kinsella explains three key areas that high yield bond investors should consider and why a discerning approach to credit selection is key.

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beat page
Mid-Year  •  03-juil.-2024

Key Themes for the Second Half of 2024 

Portfolio Solutions Group
The second half of 2024 will be impacted by interest rates, inflation and the U.S. presidential election, among other factors. The Portfolio Solutions Group reveals our key themes for the second half of 2024.

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Caron's Corner  •  03-juil.-2024  •  6:09 Min

The BEAT for July – Our Key Themes and Top Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Sustainable Investing  •  30-juin-2024

Morgan Stanley’s Sustainable Finance Summit Digest 

Calvert Research and Management
Morgan Stanley’s 2024 Annual Sustainable Finance Summit brought together some of Investment Management’s leading thinkers, research analysts and portfolio managers to discuss and debate topical issues related to sustainability.

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Video: Lost in the Forest 

Fixed Income Team, Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
The market is pricing in rate cuts for the U.S., as global central banks move to ease policy. But are investors getting ahead of themselves? The Federal Reserve remains cautious, and hard data suggests rate-cut delays – not cuts. Will markets reassess their views? Will the Fed change tact? And will rate uncertainty affect opportunities within global fixed income?

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Caron's Corner  •  24-juin-2024  •  5:55 Min

2H 2024: Chasing the White Rabbit, but Where Will it Lead Investors? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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takeaways-key-expectations page
Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  14-juin-2024

Equity Market Commentary - June 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his June TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses earnings revisions as a major driver of stock performance this year and talks about the importance of using highly active managers and avoiding closet indexers.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  14-juin-2024

Des marchés désorientés 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Malgré une croissance soutenue et une inflation encore élevée (par rapport aux objectifs), les investisseurs obligataires se montrent plus optimistes concernant la trajectoire de la politique de la Fed. Quel est l’impact sur les marchés obligataires ? Les explications de l’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income.

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Engagement Report  •  13-juin-2024

Emerging Markets Equity Annual Stewardship Report 2024 

Eric Carlson, Dana Phillips, Candy Chao, Harrison Jamin
Our Emerging Markets Equity annual stewardship report illustrates our proactive engagement with portfolio companies to navigate operating landscapes and assist them in their growth. Discover how we initiate progress in the global energy transition, tackle regulatory challenges and encourage greater corporate transparency and disclosures, especially with regards to executive compensation issues.

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Insight Article  •  10-juin-2024

Midyear Commodity Outlook: Are Higher Rates Masking Tight Inventories? 

Adam Swinney, Greg Liebl
What's the outlook for commodity markets and what factors are driving commodity trends?

Insight Video  •  07-juin-2024

Paying Resilience Forward: A Stock Story 

International Equity
Many of the companies that our International Equity team owns aren’t just resilient, but they develop products and services that help other companies build their resilience.

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Caron's Corner  •  05-juin-2024  •  7:04 Min

The BEAT for June – Our Key Themes and Top Trade Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  04-juin-2024

Stock Market Concentration: How Much Is Too Much? 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Stock market concentration has risen sharply over the past decade, creating a tough environment for active managers. In this report, we look at concentration over the past 75 years to see where we stand. We review which companies have been the largest and how that has changed. We ask if there is a correct level of concentration by studying other global markets and by presenting the possibility it was too low before. We then examine whether corporate performance supports the current increase.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  03-juin-2024

Poland’s Quiet Convergence  

Eric Carlson, Ravi Jain
Poland, on the verge of bankruptcy when the Berlin Wall came down, has defied expectations to become a crucial manufacturing hub for western companies in Europe. Eric Carlson and Ravi Jain explore how the country became one of the most successful economies to emerge from the former Soviet bloc.

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Media Appearance  •  29-mai-2024

Lauren Hochfelder on Bloomberg Surveillance Radio 

Lauren Hochfelder
Lauren Hochfelder, Co-Chief Executive Officer for Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing, appears on Bloomberg Surveillance to discuss her outlook on commercial real estate and sectors where she sees potential opportunity.

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global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  28-mai-2024

L’importance de la discipline sur le long terme 

Anton Kryachok
Alors que le marché cherche à tout prix à identifier la prochaine grande innovation, nous veillons à ce que les valorisations des entreprises soient justifiées par leurs fondamentaux sous-jacents et construisons un portefeuille composé des rares entreprises capables de capitaliser à un rythme élevé et durable. En effet, si les multiples ont représenté 85% des performances ce trimestre, sur 20 ans ce pourcentage tombe à 4%. En revanche, la croissance des bénéfices compte beaucoup plus - jusqu’à 71% sur 20 ans. Le processus de capitalisation exige rigueur et patience.

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Caron's Corner  •  28-mai-2024  •  5:07 Min

Higher Risk, but Lower Volatility? We Are Tapping on the Brakes. . .for Now 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Big Picture  •  21-mai-2024

Emerging Markets: Stepping Into the Spotlight 

Jitania Kandhari
In this updated report, read how Emerging Markets are driven by more than just China. Emerging Market Equities look attractive with higher growth, reduced debt, and lower inflation. Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group and Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets explains.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  13-mai-2024

Une situation pas aussi calme que prévu dans les pays occidentaux 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
L'évolution des anticipations des baisses de taux a été ressentie dans le monde entier et les rendements ont augmenté tant sur les marchés développés que sur les marchés émergents. L’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income nous explique l’impact probable sur les investisseurs.

Insight Article  •  09-mai-2024

A New Management Approach for a New Market Regime 

Portfolio Solutions Group
In this paper, the Portfolio Solutions Group explains how they counter adverse impact to returns in this new regime through a new management approach with the goal of achieving stable target returns.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  07-mai-2024

China Inc.: A Changing Mindset 

Amay Hattangadi, Leon Sun, Jerry Peng
As Chinese corporations navigate the complexities of post COVID growth, Beijing is actively encouraging companies to increase dividend payments and embrace share buybacks, as part of government measures to make the capital markets more resilient. The focus on investor-friendly initiatives provides an opportunity for another look at Chinese stocks.

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Caron's Corner  •  06-mai-2024  •  6:17 Min

The BEAT for May – Our Key Themes and Top Ideas  

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Caron's Corner  •  06-mai-2024  •  6:17 Min

The BEAT for May – Our Key Themes and Top Ideas  

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  30-avr.-2024

Capitalisation des intérêts 

Bruno Paulson
L’exubérance et la concentration des marchés rendent l’environnement d’investissement difficile, en particulier en termes relatifs. Dans ce contexte, l’équipe International Equity recommande toujours d’adopter une approche en termes absolus, d’être exigeant en matière de qualité et de valorisation et de chercher à jouer sur l’effet de capitalisation sur le long terme.

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Sustainable Investing  •  30-avr.-2024

2024 Stewardship Trends 

Robert Walker
As the 2024 proxy season kicks off, the Morgan Stanley Investment Management Global Stewardship Team highlights three key themes: Natural Capital and Biodiversity, Workers’ Rights, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that we believe will be high on the agenda for investors.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  29-avr.-2024

Equity Market Commentary - April 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his April TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon discusses investor behavior as pertaining to the puzzling swell in money market fund assets, and what Applied Equity Advisors is focused on during this earnings season.

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Consilient Observer  •  23-avr.-2024

Valuation Multiples: What They Miss, Why They Differ, and the Link to Fundamentals 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Most investors “price” the stocks of companies by using valuation multiples instead of “valuing” them based on future cash flows and fundamentals. We address what multiples miss and why they have become less informative. We examine how the two most popular multiples, P/E and EV/EBITDA, can provide different signals about a stock’s relative attractiveness. We then take a deep look at EV/EBITDA. We do not discourage the use of multiples, but users should understand the underlying value drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  22-avr.-2024

Weaving India’s Future: A Tapestry of Green and Grey Energy 

Eric Carlson, Candy Chao
India is undergoing a significant transformation to strike a balance between economic growth and sustainability, revamping its environmental reputation. India’s energy security and consumption growth is a significant investment theme for the coming decade as the country adds green capacity. Eric Carlson and Candy Chao explain.

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Caron's Corner  •  22-avr.-2024  •  5:24 Min

Duration: Friend or Foe? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Insight Video  •  16-avr.-2024

Video: Fixed income Team Capabilities 

Fixed Income Team
How can our full spectrum of fixed income solutions and specialized teams help navigate the curve and build a tailored portfolio?

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Caron's Corner  •  15-avr.-2024  •  7:33 Min

Chips and Dip: Geopolitical Risk, Volatility and Value 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  10-avr.-2024

Nous vous croyons sur parole 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Les obligations semblent beaucoup plus attractives qu’au début du mois de janvier. Les explications de l’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income.

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Big Picture  •  08-avr.-2024

Big Picture - Return of the 60/40 

Jitania Kandhari
In 2022, the 60/40 portfolio suffered its worst loss since 1937, prompting many market participants to question its value. Analyzing 200 years of data, Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group, evaluates the renewed relevance of the 60/40 portfolio.

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Market Monitor  •  08-avr.-2024

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q1 2024 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

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Market Monitor  •  08-avr.-2024

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q1 2024 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

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Big Picture  •  08-avr.-2024

Video: Return of 60/40 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, examines the return of the 60/40 portfolio strategy in 2024.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  04-avr.-2024

The Value-Up Recipe for Re-Rating Korea 

Amay Hattangadi, Rose Kim
Will the Korean market’s current value proposition solidify into a lasting investment theme? Amay Hattangadi and Rose Kim examine Korea’s de-rating over the past two decades to determine whether now is time to engage in the Korea “value trade.”

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Caron's Corner  •  02-avr.-2024  •  8:23 Min

The BEAT for April: Our Top Themes - and One Major Allocation Change 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Insight Article  •  01-avr.-2024

Overcoming Behavioral Biases: The Importance of Our Proprietary Portfolio Exercises 

Aaron Dunn, Chris Dyer
All humans have behavioral biases, those blind spots that can impact decision-making. To address investment bias, the Eaton Vance Equity Global Team has integrated proprietary Portfolio Exercises into their investment process, a differentiator in the way they manage money and an important element of their success.

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Big Picture  •  01-avr.-2024

Video: Oil. Underappreciated, Underinvested and Undervalued 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, believes oil is an underappreciated, underinvested and undervalued commodity in 2024.

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Sustainable Investing  •  01-avr.-2024

An equity approach that seeks to deliver an attractive return journey for clients 

Ian Kirwan, Chris Dyer
The Eaton Vance Equity Global Team seeks to illustrate the merits of a "sustainable" equity investing approach.

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Global Equity Observer  •  26-mars-2024

La qualité vaut la peine d’attendre 

William Lock
Qu’il s’agisse des méthodes de sélection des entreprises les plus performantes ou du secret de sa longévité dans le secteur de la gestion d’actifs, William Lock partage 10 leçons qu’il a tirées des 30 années passées à investir dans des entreprises de grande qualité et capables d’accroître durablement leur capital, afin d’offrir aux clients des performances attractives sur le long terme.

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Caron's Corner  •  25-mars-2024  •  8:35 Min

Take a Walk on the Supply Side 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Big Picture  •  21-mars-2024

Video: Ten Key Themes for 2024 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, outlines her Ten Key Themes for 2024.

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Insight Article  •  14-mars-2024

Managed Futures as a Potential Solution to Market Volatility 

Patrick T. Egan
In periods of volatility, investors may be looking for an alternative investment which may not only provide potential mitigation from the effects of market fluctuations, but also potentially capitalize on this increase in volatility.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  12-mars-2024

Il est temps de prendre une décision 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Les rendements ont été globalement plus élevés dans le monde entier en février, les acteurs du marché ayant révisé leurs attentes en matière de réduction des taux d’intérêt cette année. L’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income explore l’impact sur les marchés.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  07-mars-2024

Equity Market Commentary - March 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his March TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon shares his thoughts on recent market strength.

Media Appearance  •  01-mars-2024

Inside Saudi Arabia’s Plan to Move Past Oil, by Barron's Reshma Kapadia 

Amy Oldenburg
Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s Head of Emerging Markets Equity Amy Oldenburg was interviewed by Barron’s for their January cover story on investing in Saudi Arabia.

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Calvert  •  01-mars-2024

Parity Beyond the Boardroom: Closing Diversity Gaps in the Corporate Pipeline 

Calvert Research and Management
In the third paper of our gender diversity series, we discuss one of the top remaining global gender issues: the gap in the corporate “talent pipeline” – where gender and ethnic representation at the board and employee levels is much higher than at the executive and senior management levels.

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  28-févr.-2024

Cost of Capital and Capital Allocation: Investment in the Era of “Easy Money” 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We examine the counterintuitive behavior of U.S. public companies in the recent regime of “easy money” marked by below-average interest rates.

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Global Equity Observer  •  27-févr.-2024

Cap sur la qualité 

Bruno Paulson, Alistair Corden-Lloyd
La capitalisation est un atout précieux mais comment savoir si une entreprise a le potentiel d’être une valeur de capitalisation de qualité ? Nous mettons l’accent sur la rentabilité opérationnelle des capitaux employés (ROOCE) et les marges brutes. Les entreprises dont la ROOCE est élevée exercent généralement une activité générant des marges importantes et qui requiert peu d’actifs, tandis que les marges brutes élevées traduisent en principe un pouvoir de fixation des prix significatif. Ces caractéristiques nous indiquent les entreprises qui méritent d’être examinées de plus près et où nous devrions consacrer du temps à évaluer la durabilité de leur activité.

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Caron's Corner  •  20-févr.-2024  •  6:17 Min

When Will Rising Bond Yields Matter for Stocks? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  20-févr.-2024

Taiwan's Silicon Shield  

Samson Hung
While geopolitical tensions and the U.S.-China chip war dominate the headlines, Taiwan’s semiconductor industry will benefit from sectors including artificial intelligence and electric vehicles. The chip industry is the silicon shield that protects Taiwan.

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Sustainable Investing  •  16-févr.-2024

ESG Update 

Kristian Heugh, Marc Fox
The Global Opportunity team shares its annual update on integrating ESG within the investment process, the carbon intensity of the portfolios and company engagement activity.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  15-févr.-2024

Les obligations font-elles une pause ? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Après la performance stupéfiante du marché obligataire au quatrième trimestre, la hausse des rendements obligataires n’a pas vraiment été une surprise. Et maintenant, que se passe-t-il ? Les explications de l’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income.

Insight Article  •  15-févr.-2024

The Merits of Hedge Fund Co-Investments 

Jarrod Quigley
Hedge fund co-investments have an important role to play in client portfolios, explains AIP Hedge Fund Solutions Team Managing Director Jarrod Quigley.

Insight Article  •  10-févr.-2024

Managed Futures: A Primer 

Srdjan Teslic, Patrick T. Egan
In this primer, we provide a fundamental overview of managed futures investment strategies. What are managed futures and how are they differentiated from other strategies?

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  08-févr.-2024

Equity Market Commentary - February 2024 

Andrew Slimmon
In his February TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon shares his thoughts as we commence 2024.

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Opportunity Optimum  •  07-févr.-2024

The India Opportunity 

Kristian Heugh, Anil Agarwal, Marc Fox, Emily Tsui
The Global Opportunity Team believes India offers an attractive hunting ground to find ideas that meet our criteria for long-term value creation and explains the broad areas where we see opportunities.

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Caron's Corner  •  05-févr.-2024  •  5:48 Min

The BEAT Monthly: Our Top Four Ideas 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Big Picture  •  05-févr.-2024

Key Themes for 2024 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, outlines her Key Themes for 2024.

Media Appearance  •  02-févr.-2024

See Laurel Durkay on CNBC's "The Exchange" discussing how REITs can benefit from AI 

Laurel Durkay
Sometimes overlooked, but a wildly important beneficiary of advancements in the adoption of artificial intelligence, is the data center real estate sector. In fact, Laurel calls now a “transformational moment” for data centers and reveals her top investment ideas for the space on CNBC’s "The Exchange."

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Engagement Report  •  02-févr.-2024

Engage Winter 2023 

Marte Borhaug
The latest edition of Engage, the International Equity Team’s semi-annual update on their ESG engagement activity.

Insight Article  •  01-févr.-2024

Global Listed Real Estate: A Year in Review and Year-Ahead Outlook 

Laurel Durkay
Head of Global Listed Real Assets Laurel Durkay, CFA, provides thoughts on 2023 REIT performance, current opportunities, and how REITs may benefit from secular themes driving demand for real estate.

Insight Article  •  01-févr.-2024

The Founder Advantage: Finding Alpha in Middle-Market Private Equity 

Aaron Sack, Patrick Whitehead
In the increasingly crowded private equity sector, we believe that the middle market can be a differentiated source of alpha—especially for companies with founder involvement. But we believe that generating alpha in the middle market requires a manager with specialized capabilities, a rigorous due diligence approach, and a proven playbook for creating value in the sector. Such expertise becomes even more crucial when partnering with entrepreneurs and business founders.

Media Appearance  •  01-févr.-2024

Listen to Laurel Durkay discuss the currently compelling REIT valuations 

Laurel Durkay
Listen to Laurel Durkay, CFA, Morgan Stanley Investment Management Head of Global Listed Real Assets, discuss the compelling valuations that REITs currently offer on the Nareit REIT Report Podcast.

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consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  30-janv.-2024

Increasing Returns: Identifying Forms of Increasing Returns and What Drives Them 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Understanding the five areas of micro and macroeconomics where increasing returns applies and show their relevance to investors.

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Market Monitor  •  29-janv.-2024

Credit Market Monitor – Q4 2023 

Multi-Asset Credit Team
Analysis of global credit markets and where we see future opportunities.

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Caron's Corner  •  29-janv.-2024  •  6:10 Min

A Rate Cut Named Desire 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Equity Observer  •  29-janv.-2024

« Personne ne sait rien »... contrairement à ce que pense le marché 

Bruno Paulson
Après une année qui a montré que personne ne savait rien, nous débutons 2024 avec des arguments solides tant pour les optimistes les plus enjoués que pour les pessimistes les plus moroses. Et bien que nous ne sachions si l’économie mondiale va connaître un atterrissage en douceur ou forcé, le marché quant à lui anticipe clairement une issue positive. Si l’on ajoute à cela les multiples de valorisation élevés, la situation actuelle se caractérise par une asymétrie défavorable, avec un potentiel de hausse limité et un potentiel de baisse important. En cas de choc de marché, l’idée consiste comme toujours à tout faire pour maintenir des performances absolues à long terme.

Insight Video  •  29-janv.-2024

Resilience Matters 

International Equity
Resilience is the ability to adapt and recover quickly from difficulties. Hear what resilience means to our International Equity Team and how their high quality investment approach identifies resilient companies.

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Sustainable Investing  •  19-janv.-2024

Fixed Income ESG Outlook 2024 

Barbara Calvi, Anuj Gulati, Rachel Smith
Despite a persistent challenging environment for fixed income investors, the Sustainable Bond market remained strong in 2023.

Media Appearance  •  17-janv.-2024

Lauren Hochfelder Discusses 2024 Commercial Real Estate Trends on Bloomberg Television 

Lauren Hochfelder
Lauren Hochfelder, Co-Chief Executive Officer for Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing, appears on Bloomberg Television to discuss 2024 themes and trends in commercial real estate.

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PATH  •  16-janv.-2024

Où allons nous pour la suite ? 

Jim Caron
Notre revirement vers le scénario idéal (« Goldilocks ») d’un atterrissage en douceur se poursuit, soutenu par les récentes statistiques macroéconomiques, le ralentissement modéré de la croissance et le regain de confiance concernant la diminution de l’inflation, ce qui va permettre aux banques centrales d’assouplir leur politique monétaire. Prenez connaissance des raisons pour lesquelles nous considérons que ces éléments corroborent nos perspectives positives à l’égard des actions.

Insight Article  •  16-janv.-2024

Digital (De)Dollarization? 

Andrew Peel, Digital Asset Markets
The U.S. dollar has been the prominent global currency for more than 80 years, but its dominance is coming under pressure in the face of evolving geopolitical shifts and increasing twin deficits in the United States. Digital assets such as bitcoin, stablecoins in addition to the promise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), have potential to significantly alter the currency landscape. These innovations, while still in their nascent stages, hold opportunities to both erode and reinforce the dollar’s hegemony in global finance, Andrew Peel of Digital Asset Markets explains.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  12-janv.-2024

La hausse se poursuit, mais pour combien de temps encore ? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Les performances époustouflantes des marchés obligataires en décembre ont conclu de façon idéale une année en dents de scie. Le plus difficile est à venir. Les explications de l’équipe Broad Markets Fixed Income.

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Market Monitor  •  09-janv.-2024

Emerging Markets Debt Monitor – Q4 2023 

Emerging Markets Debt Team
In-depth review of fundamentals and valuations across emerging markets debt.

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Market Monitor  •  08-janv.-2024

Floating-Rate Loan Market Monitor – Q4 2023 

Floating-Rate Loan Group
Insight on loan market fundamentals and the role of floating-rate loans within portfolios.

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Market Alert  •  05-janv.-2024  •  5:59 Min

Market Alert with Andrew Slimmon 

Andrew Slimmon
Andrew Slimmon, Head of the Applied Equity Advisors Team, offers a timely perspective on what is shaping the markets now as well as insights on investment opportunities and risk within global equities. Listen to his Market Alert.

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Article Reprint  •  03-janv.-2024

Look Ahead 2024: Re-, near-, and friend- shoring points to a different logistics market 

Lauren Hochfelder
In this article, originally published by PERE, Lauren Hochfelder, co-chief executive officer for Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing, says logistics will remain a favorite asset class. But she predicts there will be less of a rising tide lifting all boats now.

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Caron's Corner  •  02-janv.-2024  •  8:36 Min

A Pull-Back from the Pull-Forward? What to Watch Out for in 2024 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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global-equity-observer page
Global Equity Observer  •  28-déc.-2023

GLP-1 : le poids de la spéculation 

Nic Sochovsky, Helena Miles
Les agonistes du GLP-1 ont été présentés comme des traitements capables de changer la donne en matière de lutte contre l’obésité. Et selon les prévisions des marchés, les fabricants de médicaments en seraient les grands gagnants, contrairement aux valeurs des secteurs des technologies médicales et de l'alimentation et des boissons aux États-Unis. Comme ils l'expliquent, les membres de l'équipe Actions internationales restent optimistes quant aux conséquences globales sur leurs portefeuilles et anticipent des impacts vraisemblablement minimes à moyen et long terme.

Insight Article  •  28-déc.-2023

The New Normal: Higher-for-longer is likely and risk has a cost in a new regime 

Aaron Dunn, Brad Galko
We are in a new regime where “higher-for-longer” is likely and risk has a cost. We believe a diversified allocation is essential in this increasingly unpredictable environment. Our value philosophy focuses on quality, leading companies that are mispriced or misunderstood by the market and are trading at a discount to their intrinsic value.

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Caron's Corner  •  18-déc.-2023  •  7:32 Min

Where Do We Go From Here? Neutral May Be the New Defensive 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  13-déc.-2023

Pattern Recognition: Opportunities and Limits 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Explore the powers and perils of pattern recognition, which investors often credit. We define it, discuss when it works better, and offer ways to improve it.

Insight Article  •  13-déc.-2023

What’s Next For Fixed Income Markets 

Fixed Income Team
The post-pandemic surge in yields represents a paradigm shift that is reshaping opportunities and risks across the fixed income landscape.

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Takeaways & Key Expectations  •  12-déc.-2023

Equity Market Commentary - December 2023 

Andrew Slimmon
In his December TAKE, Senior Portfolio Manager Andrew Slimmon shares a few lessons from 2023.

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Caron's Corner  •  11-déc.-2023  •  5:39 Min

Fed’s Making a List, Checking it Twice for a Policy Rate That’s Naughty or Nice? 

Jim Caron
Jim Caron, CIO of the Portfolio Solutions Group, shares his macro thematic views on key market drivers.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  30-nov.-2023

Électrochoc ! 

Fixed Income Team
Novembre 2023 : un mois historique pour les marchés obligataires. Une question se pose désormais : à quelles perspectives faut-il s’attendre ?

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  24-oct.-2023

Total Shareholder Return 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We study the sources of total shareholder return (TSR) and tie them to underlying economic principles. This is useful to assess the prospective returns of a stock and to create a framework for flagging value traps. The analysis reveals that few investors in the stocks of companies that pay dividends earned the TSR and refutes the common belief that dividends contribute to capital accumulation. This framework gives investors a checklist of drivers and the tools to assess them.

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Consilient Observer  •  26-sept.-2023

Trading Stages in the Company Life Cycle 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
The life cycle captures the stages of a company’s existence, from birth to growth to maturation to decline. Knowing where a company is in its life cycle is helpful for assessing capital allocation, financing costs, governance, and valuation. In this report, we use the cash flow statement to place companies in the proper stage. We then show the average characteristics of companies in each stage, their rates of transition between stages, and the past shareholder returns of each transition cohort.

Insight Video  •  12-sept.-2023

American Resilience 

International Equity
A portfolio of high quality, well managed American companies with something extraordinary – resilience. American Resilience. As strong as you are.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  29-août-2023

Global Real Estate: One Size Doesn't Fit All 

Jitania Kandhari, Audrey Muhirwa
While U.S. residential market dynamics are favorable with strong employment and low loan delinquencies, real estate in other developed economies faces vulnerabilities. China’s struggling property market remains a drag on its economy, but in many other emerging economies increased affordability, shifts in global trade and limited supply will create opportunities explains Jitania Kandhari, Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets Equity Team.

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Global Equity Observer  •  28-août-2023

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait: An Argument for Long-term Thinking 

William Lock, Annabel Stanford
While society may be driven by immediate rewards, the International Equity team would argue that patience in investing leads to enduring results and positive long-term investment outcomes.

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EDGE  •  09-août-2023

Disruptive Change Research 

Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global looks back across almost two decades of dedicated research on disruption—and the ways it reinforces our long-term mindset, helps us manage risk and reduce errors of omission. Diving into studies of digital advertising, cloud computing and the approaching wave of AI, the team reviews both how we approach disruptive change research and how that research has benefited Counterpoint Global in capitalizing on unique investment opportunities.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  03-août-2023

Nigeria's New Dawn? 

Steven Quattry
Nigeria's new reform minded president looks to accelerate economic growth for Africa's largest economy, leading to investment opportunities targeting the rising consumer.

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Global Equity Observer  •  31-juil.-2023

Compounding Through the Hype 

Bruno Paulson, Emma Broderick
As artificial intelligence enters its next chapter, the early winners of the “AI gold rush” have been the semiconductor and cloud computing providers. But the surge in generative AI also included two surprises: the speed of consumer adoption and the lack of barriers to entry. While the full impact of AI remains unclear, the International Equity Team continues to invest through its high-quality lens, focusing on further opportunities in cost reduction and value creation, and with an eye on risks.

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Consilient Observer  •  25-juil.-2023

Birth, Death, and Wealth Creation 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We examine the demographics of public companies and their patterns of wealth creation. We focus on the last half century in the U.S. and review the “births” and “deaths” of public companies. We also discuss changes in market composition. Nearly 60 percent of companies have failed to create value, and 2 percent have created 90 percent of the aggregate wealth. This suggests two strategies for portfolio construction: seek broad diversification or aim to own the wealth creators.

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Global Equity Observer  •  29-juin-2023

Acheter ou ne pas acheter 

Marcus Watson and Richard Perrott
Dans le monde des fusions-acquisitions, tous les acquéreurs ne sont pas égaux. L'équipe Actions internationales fait preuve de prudence à l'égard des fusions-acquisitions, car celles-ci constituent généralement un choix risqué pour l'allocation de capital d'une entreprise. Mais il existe des entreprises - dont certaines que nous détenons en portefeuille - qui ont fait leurs preuves en matière d'acquisitions relativement peu risquées et qui contribuent de manière significative à la performance des actionnaires. Les bons acquéreurs sont rares, mais leurs stratégies partagent des caractéristiques communes qui suggèrent qu'il s'agit d'un processus reproductible.

Insight Video  •  16-juin-2023

The Power of Resilience 

International Equity
Adding resilience to your portfolio means letting the companies you hold work for you. Learn how the International Equity team seeks to identify companies with earnings resilience and why this matters for long-term investors.

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Consilient Observer  •  06-juin-2023

ROIC and the Investment Process 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
This report extends our analysis of the ROICs for public companies in the U.S. and updates the data to cover the years 1990 to 2022. We start by providing the latest ROIC figures, then examine the link between changes in ROICs and total shareholder returns (TSRs), and finish by reviewing elements of competitive strategy as well as persistence of ROIC by sector.

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Consilient Observer  •  18-avr.-2023

Stock-Based Compensation 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
U.S. companies are increasingly paying employees with stock-based compensation (SBC) rather than cash. We begin with data showing overall trends, then turn to the accounting issues, and wrap up by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of SBC. Ongoing shareholders typically realize more dilution with young companies than with old ones because SBC tends to be more significant, and buybacks less significant, for young companies. Research is equivocal on the benefits commonly cited for SBC.

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Advisor Institute  •  08-avr.-2023

Why the 3 Dynamics Matter 

David Richman
Discover how this framework can help you have more meaningful conversations.

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Consilient Observer  •  22-mars-2023


Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Probability and confidence are distinct concepts, and we believe it is useful for investors to separate them. For example, the price of two potential investments may present the same discount to expected value, but confidence in the probabilities for one may exceed those of the other. That nuance may be relevant for determining the appropriate weighting of securities or evaluating diversification.

Insight Article  •  16-mars-2023

Deconstructing the Denominator Effect 

Portfolio Solutions Group
Our Portfolio Solutions Group analyzes the key factors that impacted the "denominator effect" in 2022's market downturn.

Insight Article  •  15-mars-2023

Private Markets Asset Allocation Framework 

Portfolio Solutions Group
Our Portfolio Solutions Group introduces their proprietary Private Markets Asset Allocation Framework (PMAAF) designed to help investors think about how to allocate their dry powder.

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Global Equity Observer  •  01-mars-2023

Welcome to the Multi-Stage Life 

Emma Broderick, Jinny Hyun
Which companies are well placed to capitalize on the long-term behavioral and lifestyle changes that a multi-stage life might bring about? The International Equity Team discusses.

Media Appearance  •  28-févr.-2023  •  39:39 Min

Morgan Stanley Capital Partners’ Patrick Whitehead on BDO Private Equity PErspectives: Playing Offense in a Volatile Market  

Patrick Whitehead
Patrick Whitehead and Katie Lankalis with LLR Partners joined host Todd Kinney, National Relationship Director at BDO's private equity practice, to discuss value creation strategies and how to drive growth in a volatile market environment, how restrictive financing conditions could impact private equity returns and how the deal landscape could shape up in 2023.

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Consilient Observer  •  15-févr.-2023

Cost of Capital 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
This is a guide to estimating the cost of capital, a measure of both expected return and the discount rate. For example, investors discount future free cash flows at the cost of capital to come up with a present value. Our goal is to find a figure that reflects opportunity cost sensibly, is economically sound, and gives the investor and businessperson a practical solution. We recommend settling on a reasonable cost of capital and then allocating the bulk of time thinking about future cash flows.

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Global Equity Observer  •  23-déc.-2022

When Money Isn't Free 

Anton Kryachok
As higher interest rates make it harder to engineer growth through debt, we think the relative value of businesses that can grow organically should only go up. Learn how our companies are better placed to use their balance sheet resilience to enhance their competitive positions, increase the sustainability of return on operating capital employed (ROOCE) and drive steady, predictable growth.

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Consilient Observer  •  14-déc.-2022

Capital Allocation 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Capital allocation is a key job of management, but not all know how to allocate effectively. In this report, we establish the foundation by reviewing the sources and uses of capital and then show how U.S. companies have allocated capital since 1985. Next, we review the alternatives in detail, including intangible investments, and offer a guide for thinking about the prospects for value creation. We finish with a framework for assessing a company’s capital allocation skills.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  22-nov.-2022

Mining for a Greener Future 

Eric Carlson, Candy Chao
Mining companies have had a terrible environmental reputation in the past, but recent efforts show how the industry can implement sustainable initiatives. Investors are now focusing on companies that have practical decarbonization pathways to help lower emissions over the next three to five years. Eric Carlson and Candy Chao explore.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  09-nov.-2022

Vietnam's Emerging Consumer Class 

Steven Quattry
Vietnam’s large, young and tech-savvy middle class, makes it one of a few countries to benefit from globalizing in a deglobalizing world and usher in the next generation of investments in emerging markets. Steve Quattry and Jorge Chirino explain.

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Consilient Observer  •  09-nov.-2022

ROIC and Intangible Assets 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We extend the analysis from our recent report, “Return on Invested Capital,” by adjusting ROIC for all companies to reflect intangible investment. While the median and aggregate ROIC for the adjusted figures is similar to the traditional one, the main result is that extremely high and low ROICs regress toward the mean. We believe these adjustments represent a step toward a more accurate view of the magnitude and return on investment.

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Consilient Observer  •  06-oct.-2022

Return on Invested Capital 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We discuss how to calculate return on invested capital (ROIC) and show how it is connected to free cash flow, economic profit, and growth. We work through the challenges in estimating it, present empirical data, review how adjusting for intangible investments can reshape the figures, and include a case study.

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Consilient Observer  •  15-sept.-2022

Market Share 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We examine whether a study of market share and related concepts can help us determine if a company has a sustainable competitive advantage. This takes us on a journey that includes life cycles, market share, concentration, markups, intangibles, and "superstars". We study the link between some of these variables and return on investment and provide some analytical tools along the way. We finish with some case studies to see how these ideas apply to a handful of industries.

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Big Picture  •  22-août-2022

China’s Geopolitical Aspirations and Challenges 

Jitania Kandhari
"China’s spectacular economic growth has remade the geopolitical landscape and created tensions with the U.S. But the country’s internal and external challenges will limit Beijing’s ambitions. Investors will be on the edge," explains Jitania Kandhari, Head of Macro and Thematic Research for Emerging Markets Equity Team.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  02-août-2022

Emerging India in a Multipolar World 

Amay Hattangadi, Jitania Kandhari
In India, there has been a recent change from the Gandhian principles of small is beautiful to actively incentivizing large scale manufacturing. Coupled with a healthy banking sector and high demand for housing, the stage is set for Delhi to move forward with an opportunity to shine.

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EDGE  •  27-juil.-2022


Counterpoint Global
Psychedelics have the potential to fundamentally reshape how we think about and treat not only mental illness but a host of other conditions as well. Counterpoint Global investigates how psychedelic therapy works, the potential wide-spread impact of this innovative treatment, and the roadblocks to medical adoption.

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Consilient Observer  •  20-juil.-2022

Good Losses, Bad Losses 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Investors must look past simple measures of profits to understand a business’s true ability to create value. The rise of intangibles means more investments are expensed versus capitalized, which makes financial statements appear distorted versus those of the past. Academics distinguish between GAAP losers, companies that have losses but a high return on investment, and real losers, or those that have expenses unrelated to investment that exceed sales. Evidence from recent decades shows GAAP losers produced attractive shareholder returns relative to the real losers and profitable companies.

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Convergence  •  13-juil.-2022

Crypto & Carbon 

Thomas Kamei
Blockchain technologies have unique capabilities that can enable an interoperable marketplace for voluntary carbon offsets – solving a number of issues with the existing market, such as significant variance in underlying quality of offsets – and thus have an opportunity to play a role in decarbonizing the global economy.

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Tales From the Emerging World  •  23-juin-2022

Saudi Arabia, More Than Just an Oil Story  

Najmul Hasnain
Saudi Arabia is in the midst of an ambitious and transformative program of social and economic reforms designed to wean the economy off its dependence on the oil sector. Najmul Hasnain, Head of the Saudi Arabia Equity Team, explores.

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Consilient Observer  •  15-juin-2022

New Business Boom and Bust 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Burgeoning industries often follow the same developmental pattern as a child’s brain, with an overproduction of options followed by a pruning of those that are not useful. This appears wasteful but is in fact an elegant solution. We discuss this pattern for companies, describe why investors should care, and offer some current examples of where this pattern of entry and exit is playing out.

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Consilient Observer  •  10-mai-2022

Wealth Transfers 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
The goal of capital allocation is to put resources to their best use to create long-term value per share for ongoing shareholders. The first major part of capital allocation is investing in the business. The second is transacting with mispriced securities, which introduces the potential for wealth transfers between stakeholders. Astute investors appropriately focus on a management's ability to make investments in the business, but they should also pay attention to management actions with regard to buying and selling the company’s stock.

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Convergence  •  30-avr.-2022

Culture Quant Framework 

Counterpoint Global
Company culture is essential to unleashing the ingenuity that drives intangible investments, yet it continues to defy quantification. Counterpoint Global identified employee retention as a significant indicator of culture. They show how it correlates with attractive stock returns and how this analysis is integrated into their Sustainability Research process.

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Consilient Observer  •  12-avr.-2022

Intangibles and Earnings 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
The shift from tangible to intangible investments has complicated the ability to interpret financial statements. One solution is to record intangible investments on the balance sheet and then amortize them over their useful lives. These adjustments recast profitability for some companies and are inconsequential for others. Overall, we estimate that earnings for the S&P 500 would be about 10 percent higher with these changes. This suggests great caution in comparing earnings or valuation multiples over time.

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Consilient Observer  •  16-mars-2022


Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Continuous process improvement is essential to achieving outstanding long-term outcomes. Receiving timely and accurate feedback—information used as a basis for improvement—can enhance the process and make you a better forecaster. We discuss multiple facets of process improvement, including getting the right people and helping them thrive, the role of organizational structure in fostering good decision making, and specific mechanisms to sharpen execution. We draw on principles from other fields but focus primarily on the investment management industry.

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Consilient Observer  •  27-janv.-2022

Underestimating the Red Queen 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Organisms allocate energy between growth and maintenance and repair. They stop growing when maintenance requires all of the energy. Substitute capital for energy and companies appear to follow a similar trajectory. This is important because you can anticipate a company’s growth only if you understand how much capital it spends on growth versus maintenance. Most executives and investors likely underestimate maintenance spending. Steps toward better understanding include a proper assessment of maintenance capital expenditures and a separation of SG&A into investment and maintenance components.

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EDGE  •  27-déc.-2021


Counterpoint Global
After decades of development in garages and hobby shops, small drones are finally ready to make an impact in the enterprise. We discuss the evolution of enterprise drones and how the technology could disrupt small package delivery and aerial data collection. We also discuss the regulatory and societal challenges facing the enterprise drone industry today and highlight recent progress towards overcoming those challenges.

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Consilient Observer  •  06-oct.-2021

Categorizing for Clarity: Cash Flow Statement Adjustments to Improve Insight 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Accounting has not kept pace with the changing economics of businesses, which has created a huge gap between what companies report in their financial statements and what an investor needs to understand a business. To better categorize activities, we suggest making adjustments within the statement of cash flows pertaining to stock-based compensation, leases, and intangible investments. We believe these adjustments substantially improve the description of a business. We share a case study of Amazon for 2020 to make the concepts more concrete.

sustainable-investing convergence page
Convergence  •  29-sept.-2021

Beyond Virtue Signaling: Financial Materiality of Carbon Emissions 

Counterpoint Global
Sustainability Research at Counterpoint Global has produced a method to systematically measure the potential cost of carbon emissions as well as the financial impact of a carbon tax. Our framework allows us to translate these costs into estimates of stock returns. We believe that measuring the cost of carbon emissions allows us to better understand the environmental risks for the companies in our portfolio as well as for those we do not own. We also seek to help our clients benefit from the many opportunities that a low-emissions world could create.

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Consilient Observer  •  03-août-2021

Everything Is a DCF Model 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We suggest the mantra “everything is a DCF model.” Whenever investors value a stake in a cash-generating asset, they should recognize they are using a discounted cash flow (DCF) model. The topic deserves attention because many market participants don’t think DCF models are relevant, and many use heuristics for value without recognizing the purpose and limitations of the shorthands. The intrinsic value, determined by the present value of future cash flows, attracts the price like a magnetic force. This means it is useful for investors to keep in mind the value drivers of a discounted cash flow model.

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Global Multi-Asset Viewpoint  •  31-juil.-2021

Inflation Outlook – One Year Later 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
MSIM’s Global Multi-Asset Team discusses their investment perspective in the latest viewpoint: "Inflation Outlook – One Year Later"

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  23-juin-2021

The Impact of Intangibles on Base Rates 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
The shift in investments from tangible to intangible assets has important implications for how investors should think about corporate growth rates. Companies with more intangible assets can grow faster, but they can also become irrelevant and shrink faster. Our analysis of historical sales growth rates for U.S. companies reveals both of these results: higher growth and more dispersion, on average, for companies and industries with the highest intangible asset intensity. Skillful investors may be able to identify the companies that will grow faster than expected, hence providing the potential for attractive returns.

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Consilient Observer  •  19-mai-2021

The Economics of Customer Businesses 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
This report focuses on the customer as the basic unit of analysis in understanding value. The idea of customer lifetime value has been around for decades, but we believe our discussion is richer and more nuanced than what many companies and analysts present. We discuss a framework called customer-based corporate valuation, which links customer economics to shareholder value and offers a more robust way to forecast revenues. We also show the limitations of common ratios such as customer lifetime value to customer acquisition cost (LTV/CAC), explore how companies can create consumer and supplier surplus, provide a case study, examine trade-offs in the drivers of value, and explore common errors.

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Sustainable Investing  •  25-févr.-2021

The Material Risk Indicator: A proprietary framework for assessing ESG risks and opportunities 

Vladimir Demine, Marte Borhaug
How to record ESG company risks and opportunities in a consistent and comparable way? The International Equity Team explains the Material Risk Indicator.

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Global Multi-Asset Viewpoint  •  20-févr.-2021

What’s in Store for Real Rates in the U.S.? 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
MSIM’s Global Multi-Asset Team discusses their investment perspective in the latest viewpoint: “What’s in Store for Real Rates in the U.S.?"

consilient-observer page
Consilient Observer  •  15-sept.-2020

One Job 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
The one job of an equity investor is to take advantage of gaps between expectations and fundamentals, which requires an understanding of the magnitude of investment and return on investment in order to properly anticipate free cash flows. With investments shifting more toward intangible assets, this report discusses the measurement and characteristics of intangible assets and reviews the implications of the growth of intangibles for investors.

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Consilient Observer  •  04-août-2020

Public to Private Equity in the United States: A Long-Term Look 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
Over the past quarter century there has been a marked shift in U.S. equities from public markets to private markets controlled by buyout and venture capital firms. This change has had reverberations for asset managers, investors, executives, and policy makers.

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Consilient Observer  •  09-juin-2020

The Math of Value and Growth 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We show how corporate valuations change as we vary assumptions about growth, return on incremental invested capital, and the discount rate.

sustainable-investing convergence page
Convergence  •  31-mai-2020

Sustainability Research 

Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global discusses how Sustainability Research is additive to their existing investment process and converges the pursuit of profits and purpose.

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Consilient Observer  •  20-mai-2020

Myth Busting, Popular Delusions, and the Variant Perception 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
We address four myths or popular delusions in the investment industry.

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Consilient Observer  •  14-avr.-2020

Dispersion and Alpha Conversion 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
An investor’s success requires both skill and opportunity. We look at how investors can express skill and use dispersion to measure the opportunity set.

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Consilient Observer  •  20-mars-2020

BIN There, Done That 

Michael Mauboussin, Dan Callahan
To improve your forecasting skills, try decreasing noise. Analyzing superforecasters reveals forecasters can be trained to more effectively update their views, reduce bias, and reduce noise.

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EDGE  •  15-mai-2018


Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global examines Blockchain, the technology behind it and its potentially disruptive power.

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Global Multi-Asset Viewpoint  •  30-avr.-2018

Navigating Higher Inflation: An Empirically-Based Multi-Asset Approach 

Cyril Moulle-Berteaux
MSIM’s Global Multi-Asset Team discusses their investment views in the latest viewpoint: “Navigating Higher Inflation: An Empirically-Based Multi-Asset Approach.”

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EDGE  •  31-août-2017

EDGE: Autonomous Vehicles 

Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global researches autonomous vehicles, which use a suite of sensors, actuators and a central computer to "perceive" the environment and automate the driving process. This technology could change our perception of personal transportation.

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EDGE  •  30-avr.-2017

Machine Learning 

Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global examines machine learning, a new way to train computer systems to generate insights from data and apply those insights to new situations.

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EDGE  •  31-janv.-2017

Case Study: CRISPR 

Counterpoint Global
Counterpoint Global analyzes clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), a tool for genetic research that could birth new industries and disrupt existing medical treatments.


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