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Big Picture  •  28-févr.-2025

Video: Key Themes for 2025 

Jitania Kandhari
What are the key themes that will shape the global economy in 2025? From shifting trade dynamics to industrial innovations, demographic transitions, and space exploration - every trend holds opportunities. Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets Equity; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, outlines her ten (plus bonus) Key Themes.

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Big Picture  •  28-févr.-2025

Big Picture - 2025 Key Themes "Global Edge" Video 

Jitania Kandhari
The mega trends transforming the U.S. are also providing global opportunities for savvy investors but at better prices. Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets Equity; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, explores the global edge in her 10 Key Themes for 2025.

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Big Picture  •  04-févr.-2025

Big Picture - Key Themes for 2025 

Jitania Kandhari
What are the forces that will shape 2025? Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets Equity ; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, outlines her ten Key Themes for the upcoming year.

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Big Picture  •  27-janv.-2025

Video: Stimulus Fatigue – China Can’t Band-Aid Its Way to Recovery 

Jitania Kandhari
Beijing has unveiled a series of stimulus packages aimed at revitalizing China’s economy. However, Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO of the Solutions and Multi-Asset Group, believes China’s structural weaknesses which include significant debt, a property bubble, underwhelming domestic consumption and trade pressures, cannot be resolved by stimulus measures alone.

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Big Picture  •  08-janv.-2025

Stimulus Fatigue: China Can’t Band-Aid Its Way to Recovery 

Jitania Kandhari
Significant debt, a property bubble, underwhelming domestic consumption and trade pressures are part of the structural weaknesses in China’s economy that stimulus packages cannot resolve alone. Jitania Kandhari explains.

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Big Picture  •  21-mai-2024

Emerging Markets: Stepping Into the Spotlight 

Jitania Kandhari
In this updated report, read how Emerging Markets are driven by more than just China. Emerging Market Equities look attractive with higher growth, reduced debt, and lower inflation. Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group and Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets explains.

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Big Picture  •  08-avr.-2024

Video: Return of 60/40 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, examines the return of the 60/40 portfolio strategy in 2024.

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Big Picture  •  08-avr.-2024

Big Picture - Return of the 60/40 

Jitania Kandhari
In 2022, the 60/40 portfolio suffered its worst loss since 1937, prompting many market participants to question its value. Analyzing 200 years of data, Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group, evaluates the renewed relevance of the 60/40 portfolio.

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Big Picture  •  01-avr.-2024

Video: Oil. Underappreciated, Underinvested and Undervalued 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, believes oil is an underappreciated, underinvested and undervalued commodity in 2024.

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Big Picture  •  21-mars-2024

Video: Ten Key Themes for 2024 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, Passport Equity, outlines her Ten Key Themes for 2024.

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Big Picture  •  25-juil.-2023

China's Past, Present and Future 

Jitania Kandhari
A closer look at China’s past, present and future, its transition from poverty under Marxist policies to the global powerhouse it is today, and its ongoing attempt to navigate the complex intersection of economic, technological and geopolitical realities to achieve its goals. Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group, explores.

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Big Picture  •  02-févr.-2023

Key Themes for 2023 

Jitania Kandhari
Jitania Kandhari, Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group; Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets; Portfolio Manager, AIA, outlines her Key Themes for 2023.

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Big Picture  •  22-août-2022

China’s Geopolitical Aspirations and Challenges 

Jitania Kandhari
"China’s spectacular economic growth has remade the geopolitical landscape and created tensions with the U.S. But the country’s internal and external challenges will limit Beijing’s ambitions. Investors will be on the edge," explains Jitania Kandhari, Head of Macro and Thematic Research for Emerging Markets Equity Team.

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Deputy CIO, Solutions & Multi Asset Group

Head of Macro & Thematic Research, Emerging Markets

Portfolio Manager,
Passport Equity

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