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Real Estate
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Private Credit
10 of 10 Results
Real Estate
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Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing (MSREI) manages global value-add / opportunistic and regional core / core-plus real estate investment strategies. The team's experience encompasses a broad array of asset classes, geographic regions and investment themes across all phases of the real estate cycle.

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Morgan Stanley Private Credit invests in first and second lien debt; unitranche loans; mezzanine debt; and equity co-investments alongside controlling shareholders to support middle-market companies based in North America and Western Europe. The team seeks to create value as a long-term partner for owner-operated and private equity-backed businesses.

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Private Equity
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Morgan Stanley Next Level is the impact-focused private equity business of Morgan Stanley Investment Management, focusing on privately negotiated equity and equity-related investments with impact.

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Morgan Stanley Capital Partners manages a middle-market private equity platform. The team has invested capital in a broad spectrum of industries for over two decades.

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Morgan Stanley Energy Partners makes control investments in energy companies primarily located in North America. The team focuses on the buyout and build-up of strategically attractive, established energy businesses across the energy value chain in partnership with best-in-class management teams.

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Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia invests primarily in highly structured minority investments and control buyouts in growth-oriented companies located throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

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Morgan Stanley Tactical Value is an investment platform targeting private, long-term and likely illiquid investments.

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Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital specializes in equity and credit investments in late-stage private companies that operate in the technology, healthcare, consumer, digital media and other high-growth sectors.

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Morgan Stanley India Infrastructure focuses on proprietary, privately-sourced situations in Indian infrastructure. The team seeks to create value through a growth-oriented strategy focused on active asset management and operational improvements.

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Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners invests in a diverse range of infrastructure assets predominantly located in OECD countries. The team seeks to create value through active asset management and operational improvements.

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Private Credit
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Morgan Stanley Tactical Value is an investment platform targeting private, long-term and likely illiquid investments.

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Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital specializes in equity and credit investments in late-stage private companies that operate in the technology, healthcare, consumer, digital media and other high-growth sectors.

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All investing involves risks, including a loss of principal. Alternative investments are speculative and involve a high degree of risk. These investments are designed for investors who understand and are willing to accept these risks. Performance may be volatile, and an investor could lose all or a substantial portion of his or her investment.

Please refer to the strategy detail page for important information on the strategy, including additional risk considerations.