Online Security

Tech Support Scams

Fraud artists are savvy and can be very convincing. The Tech Support Scam is a popular social engineering technique, with several twists.

Action Steps to Prevent Tech Support Scams

In the unfortunate event that you fall victim to what you believe to be a Tech Support Scam, responding quickly can help limit the damage.

  1. 1
    Contact Your Financial Institution

    If you provided financial account information, immediately contact your financial institutions and discuss cancelling fraudulent charges, obtaining a new credit/debit card or opening a new account.

  2. 2
    Seek Help From a Trusted Expert

    If you unwittingly downloaded “scareware” onto your device or granted remote access to your computer, seek the help of a trusted expert to have any malware removed or uninstalled.

  3. 3
    Seek Additional Aid

    Visit (opens in a new tab) for more information and specific actions to take based on your situation.

Other Scams to Be Aware Of

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