Online Security

Romance Scams

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Romance Scams are one of the top five scams targeting American seniors age 60 and above—and have increased significantly in recent years.

Action Steps to Prevent Romance Scams

If you believe you’re the victim of a Romance Scam, don’t be embarrassed to seek help. Responding quickly can help limit damage.

  1. 1
    Reach Out To a Trusted Expert

    Reach out to a trusted individual for guidance, such as a friend, family member or your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor.

  2. 2
    Contact Your Financial Institution

    If you shared any bank account information or sent money, contact your financial institution immediately to discuss cancelling any fraudulent transactions and possibly opening a new account.

  3. 3
    Report Your Situation

    Report the incident to the FTC and visit (opens in a new tab) for more information and specific actions based on your situation.

Other Scams to Be Aware Of

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