Women in the hedge fund industry have made historic strides recently: In just the past year, hedge fund launches by women gained momentum, and two female hedge fund managers raised more than $1 billion each in assets, setting records for capital raised by women-led hedge funds. In her 20-plus years at Morgan Stanley, Tracy Castle-Newman has helped women in the hedge fund industry build connections, raise their profiles, socialize their investment theses and increase their access to capital. That work has cemented Morgan Stanley Prime Brokerage as the partner of choice for female emerging hedge fund managers.
Castle-Newman, who was recently named to Business Insider’s 29 People to Know When Launching a Hedge Fund(opens in a new tab) and is Global Head of Client Business Development and Strategy in the Institutional Equity Division (IED), discusses how her work supporting women in investment management is helping change the face of Wall Street and outlines the opportunities for future progress.