To Buy or Not to Buy?
Deciding whether to buy or rent will depend on a number of factors, including your current lifestyle and financial situation. There are pros and cons to both: While renting can come with flexibility and fewer responsibilities, ownership can come with long-term equity and stability, among other things.
To help you determine if you’re ready to get serious about house hunting, ask yourself:
- Do you see yourself moving to another city, state or country in the next 3-5 years?
- Have you calculated the estimated costs of home ownership in your desired city or neighborhood? (Don’t forget to include maintenance costs and closing fees.)
- Have you reviewed your credit score recently?
- Are there any other big-ticket expenses you anticipate needing to pay for in the near future?
If you are planning to stay in the same place and do not foresee any major purchases or expenses in the coming 3-5 years (e.g., paying off college loans, planned medical procedures, travel), then your financial situation and near-term goals may make you a good candidate to buy. However, when evaluating such a big decision, make sure to educate yourself on your options and seek out the guidance of knowledgeable professionals. Pay close attention to financing terms and take into account the many unexpected and underestimated costs involved in buying a home.
If there is a potential move in your future, or other big-ticket items you’re saving for, then you may want to continue renting until you have a solid understanding of your five-year plan and fewer major expenses to worry about. In the meantime, you can start preparing for when the time is right.