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Workplace Benefits - For Employees


Whether you are just starting your career or nearing retirement, consider saving for the years ahead — we're here to help.

Why Plan for Retirement?

​These days, it’s common for retirement to span multiple decades—which means your savings plan needs to be well thought out. Thoughtful planning and early saving can go a long way toward helping you achieve the lifestyle you want in retirement.

Understanding Your Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan

Depending on where you work, you may have a 401(k) (corporate), 403(b) (non-profit/church/school/church-owned hospital) or 457(b) (government) plan as ways for saving for your retirement. It’s important to understand how these plans can work for you.

Take Advantage of Your Employer-Sponsored Retirement Benefit

Retirement means something different to everyone. Whether you want to see the world, spend time with family, pursue a new passion or even continue working, it’s a time to focus on the things that mean the most to you. No matter where you are on your retirement journey, one of the easiest ways to save for retirement is to participate in your employer's retirement plan. Here are steps you can consider to help make the most of your retirement plan benefit:
1. Understand Your Employer's Retirement Plan
Explore the retirement plan offered by your employer. Familiarize yourself with contribution limits, employer matches and any additional benefits provided.

Support for Your Retirement Journey

Knowing who takes care of what when it comes to your plan can help you know where to go when you need support. 

Morgan Stanley at Work
  1. A Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor can provide education and guidance to help you make the most of your retirement plan benefit by helping you.

  2. Understand how to maximize your company's retirement plan benefit

  3. Review your plan’s fund lineup and your investment strategy 

  4. Plan for your future goals and objectives

  5. Discuss your retirement income needs 

  6. Access financial education and retirement planning resources

Retirement Plan Provider
  1. Your retirement plan provider’s name and contact information can be found on your quarterly retirement plan statement. You can visit their website or contact them to help you obtain plan-specific documents and execute retirement plan transactions, such as:

  2. Changing your deferral amount

  3. Making changes to your investment options or to your investment allocation

  4. Turning on automatic rebalancing and automatic annual increase features, if available

  5. Updating your beneficiary information

  6. Initiating a loan, if available

Post-Employment Retirement Planning

If you’ve recently left your employer, it's important to take proactive steps to manage your retirement plan effectively. Depending on your situation, consider the following.

Explore Your Options
  1. When it comes to your options, you have a choice:  


    • Leave your assets in your previous employer's plan, if allowed, or  
    • Cash out and take a lump sum distribution (subject to tax penalties). 
    • Roll it over into your new employer’s qualified plan, if permitted, 
    • Roll your balance over into an individual retirement account (IRA).


    If you would like additional support, a Financial Advisor or tax professional can help explain your options in more detail. 

Understand Vesting and Distribution Rules
  1. Knowing your vesting and distribution requirements allows you to make informed decisions about your retirement savings. While your own contribution balance is always yours, keeping employer contributions often requires that you meet a minimum vesting period.


    There may be distribution limitations on your current employer-sponsored retirement plan, as well as potential tax implications and a potential early withdrawal penalty on distributions if you cash out your retirement plan balance prior to age 59 1/2.


    Details on your retirement plan provisions, including vesting and distribution requirements, are summarized in your plan's Summary Plan Description (SPD). You may request an SPD from your employer or retirement plan provider

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