4. How do I participate in an ESPP?
It’s just as easy as participating in a 401(k) plan. You choose the percentage of your paycheck you wish to contribute, and your company will deduct those contributions from your net (after-tax) paycheck. Your employer will hold those contributions in a company account until the purchase date and make the purchase on your behalf. Your enrollment will typically roll over from one purchase period to the next unless you change it.
One important note on choosing your contribution level: Like your 401(k) contribution percentage, the percentage you choose to contribute will be based on your gross (before-tax) pay amount. Say your paycheck is $2,000 and you elect to contribute 10% of your pay to your ESPP, $200 will be deducted from your paycheck each pay period.
In addition, if you participate in a tax-qualified ESPP, federal tax rules limit ESPP purchases to a maximum of $25,000 worth of company stock per calendar year.1