Morgan Stanley
  • Giving Back
  • Jul 22, 2015

10th Annual Global Volunteer Month Breaks Record

Morgan Stanley’s 10th annual Global Volunteer Month is one for the record books! More than 41,000 employees delivered over 280,000 volunteer hours in June—the most in any month since the campaign began.

The results are in, and Morgan Stanley’s 10th annual Global Volunteer Month is one for the record books. This June, more than 41,000 employees delivered more than 280,000 volunteer hours, exceeding the firm’s 250,000-hour goal, and marking a record number of hours for Global Volunteer Month since the campaign’s launch in 2006. Cumulatively, the program has contributed more than 1.3 million volunteer hours.

This is the 10th straight year when employee volunteer hours have increased. In fact, 72% of all employees globally logged hours this June, up 56% from 2014. The program reached 530 cities in 29 countries, with volunteer projects ranging from mentoring students to fitness activities, to environmental restoration.

“Giving Back is one of the firm’s core values, but the immense volunteer efforts of our employees during the 2015 Global Volunteer Month show that it really is part of Morgan Stanley’s DNA,” said Joan Steinberg, Global Head of Philanthropy at Morgan Stanley. “We are proud to have helped so many nonprofit partners continue to deliver on their missions in the communities where we live and work.”

As this year’s Global Volunteer Month comes to a close, we’d like to thank our employees for helping to strengthen our communities around the globe, as well as our nonprofit partners who work tirelessly year-round to help those in need.

We hope you enjoyed learning more about our Global Volunteer Month campaign, our employee volunteers, and our nonprofit partners this year. We look forward to starting the next decade of Global Volunteer Month at Morgan Stanley in 2016. Until then, find out more about our ongoing philanthropic work, and follow our volunteer efforts on #MSGivesBack.

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