Managing your finances is about more than managing your investments. Your Financial Advisor can support you in many aspects of your financial life – including budgeting, cash management, retirement planning and other financial goals.
Goals-Based Planning Process
3 Money Conversations I Want Everyone to Have
They say that money talks—but only if you do. Arm yourself with tips from Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor Simon Petro to help you navigate important conversations with your loved ones.
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¹ Certain accounts may have other minimum asset levels and other eligibility requirements. E*TRADE charges $0 commission for online US-listed stock, ETF, mutual fund, and options trades. Exclusions may apply and E*TRADE reserves the right to charge variable commission rates. Underlying mutual fund fees and expenses apply as described in each fund prospectus. E*TRADE receives shareholder servicing (12b-1) fees from many available mutual funds as well as revenue sharing and administrative service fees from most funds and/or their affiliates. For more information, please review our Relationship Summary, which is available on our website. The standard options contract fee is $0.65 per contract (or $0.50 per contract for customers who execute at least 30 stock, ETF, and options trades per quarter). The retail online $0 commission does not apply to Over-the-Counter (OTC), foreign stock transactions, large block transactions requiring special handling, futures, or fixed income investments. Service charges apply for trades placed through a broker ($25). Stock plan account transactions are subject to a separate commission schedule. Additional regulatory and exchange fees may apply. For more information about pricing, visit
Morgan Stanley Goals Planning System (GPS) focuses on goals-based planning. Within this framework, we have a goals-based platform that includes a brokerage investment analysis tool (GPS Platform). While securities held in your investment advisory accounts may be included in the analysis, the reports generated from the GPS Platform are not financial plans nor constitute a financial planning service. A financial plan generally seeks to address a wide spectrum of your long-term financial needs, and can include recommendations about insurance, savings, tax and estate planning, and investments, taking into consideration your goals and situation, including anticipated retirement or other employee benefits. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”) will only prepare a financial plan at your specific request using Morgan Stanley approved financial planning software. If you would like to have a financial plan prepared for you, please consult with a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor.
Important information about your relationship with your Financial Advisor and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC when using a Financial Planning tool. When your Financial Advisor prepares a Financial Plan, they will be acting in an investment advisory capacity for thirty days after the delivery of your Financial Plan. To understand the differences between brokerage and advisory relationships, you should consult your Financial Advisor, or review our Understanding Your Brokerage and Investment Advisory Relationships brochure available at You have sole responsibility for making all investment decisions with respect to the implementation of a Financial Plan. You may implement the Financial Plan at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC or at another firm. If you engage or have engaged Morgan Stanley, it will act as your broker, unless you ask it, in writing, to act as your investment adviser on any particular account.
Opening an account with a Morgan Stanley Virtual Advisor or Financial Advisor may require minimum asset levels. Other eligibility requirements may apply and certain products and services are not available to or appropriate for all clients. Certain fees, including account fees, may apply should you choose to open an account with Morgan Stanley. Account fees and other important information can be found at
To understand the differences between brokerage and advisory relationships, you should consult your Financial Advisor, or review our Understanding Your Brokerage and Investment Advisory Relationships brochure available at
Morgan Stanley’s GPS Platform provides a snapshot of your current financial position and can help you to focus on your financial resources and goals, and to create a strategy designed to get you closer toward meeting your goals. Every individual’s financial circumstances, needs and risk tolerances are different. The hypothetical projections in the reports are based on the methodology, estimates, and assumptions, as described in the reports, as well as personal data provided by you. Because the hypothetical results are calculated over many years, small changes can create large differences in potential future results. The reports should be considered working documents that can assist you with your objectives. Morgan Stanley makes no guarantees as to future results or that an individual’s investment objectives will be achieved. The responsibility for implementing, monitoring and adjusting your investment plan rests with you. After your Financial Advisor delivers your report to you, if you so desire, your Financial Advisor can help you implement any part that you choose; however, you are not obligated to work with your Financial Advisor or Morgan Stanley.
Financial forecasts, rates of return, risk, inflation, and other assumptions may be used as the basis for illustrations generated by the Morgan Stanley GPS Platform. They should not be considered a guarantee of future performance or a guarantee of achieving overall financial objectives. All results use simplifying estimates and assumptions. No tool has the ability to accurately predict the future, eliminate risk or guarantee investment results. As investment returns, inflation, taxes, and other economic conditions vary from the assumptions used by the Morgan Stanley GPS Platform, your actual results will vary (perhaps significantly) from those presented.
You should note that investing in financial instruments carries with it the possibility of losses and that a focus on above-market returns exposes the portfolio to above-average risk. Performance aspirations are not guaranteed and are subject to market conditions. High volatility investments may be subject to sudden and large falls in value, and there could be a large loss on realization which could be equal to the amount invested.
IMPORTANT: The projections or other information provided by the Morgan Stanley GPS Platform regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes (including any assumed rates of return and income) are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. Morgan Stanley does not represent or guarantee that the projected returns or income will or can be attained.
Morgan Stanley and its Financial Advisors do not provide any tax/legal advice. Consult your own tax/legal advisor before making any tax or legal-related investment decisions.
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Securities products and services offered through E*TRADE Securities LLC, Member SIPC, a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley.
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