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1Certain accounts may have other minimum asset levels and other eligibility requirements. Please read the disclosures in the Important Information section below. E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley charges $0 commission for online US-listed stock, ETF, and options trades. Exclusions may apply and E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley reserves the right to charge variable commission rates. The standard options contract fee is $0.65 per contract (or $0.50 per contract for customers who execute at least 30 stock, ETF, and options trades per quarter). The retail online $0 commission does not apply to Over-the-Counter (OTC), foreign stock transactions, large block transactions requiring special handling, transaction-fee mutual funds, futures, or fixed income investments. Service charges apply for trades placed through a broker ($25). Stock plan account transactions are subject to a separate commission schedule. Additional regulatory and exchange fees may apply. For more information about pricing, visit
* The Annual Advisory Fee is 0.30%, or as low as $1.50 for $500 in assets, and is the direct fee charged to any client in the advisory program. The advisory fee does not cover underlying management fees and expenses of any mutual fund or ETF investment held in the portfolio.
The information and materials on this website are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a recommendation or solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument, to participate in any investment strategy, or to open any particular account type. It does not provide individually tailored investment advice. It has been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor's individual circumstances and objectives. The materials may contain forward-looking statements and there can be no guarantee that they will come to pass. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee a profit or protect against loss in a declining financial market.
Morgan Stanley offers a wide array of brokerage and advisory services to its clients, each of which may create a different type of relationship with different obligations to you. Please contact a Morgan Stanley representative or Financial Advisor to understand these differences. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (“Morgan Stanley”), its affiliates, employees and Morgan Stanley Financial Advisors and Private Wealth Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult their tax advisor for matters involving taxation and tax planning and their attorney for matters involving trusts and estate planning, charitable giving, philanthropic planning and other legal matters.
Information on Morgan Stanley Wealth Management accounts and services can be found at Opening an account with a Financial Advisor may require other minimum asset levels. Certain account types may have other eligibility requirements and certain products and services are not available to or appropriate for all clients. Information about Morgan Stanley Wealth Management account fees and other important information can be found at Morgan Stanley Virtual Advisors are licensed representatives of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC.
Core Portfolios are offered by E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley. Please read the Wrap Fee Programs Brochure for more information on the investment advisory services offered. Diversification and asset allocation strategies do not ensure profit or protect against loss. Investments in securities and other instruments involve risk and will not always be profitable.
Differences between a brokerage and an investment advisory relationship:
You should understand the differences between a brokerage and advisory relationship. When providing you brokerage services, our legal obligations to you are governed by the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the rules of self‐regulatory organizations such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and state securities laws, where applicable. When providing you advisory services, our legal obligations to you are governed by the Investment Advisers Act and applicable state securities laws. These latter advisory obligations govern our conduct and disclosure requirements, creating a legal standard which is referred to as a “fiduciary” duty to you. Please call the help desk if you have questions about your rights and our obligations to you, including the extent of our obligations to disclose conflicts of interest and to act in your best interest. For additional answers to questions about the differences between our advisory and brokerage services, please visit our web site at or contact us at 866‐866‐7426.
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Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is a business of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is a registered Broker/Dealer, Member SIPC, and not a bank. Where appropriate, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC has entered into arrangements with banks and other third parties to assist in offering certain banking related products and services.
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