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2025.2 Brazil Internship Program (Sao Paulo)
Multiple Business Areas
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Job # 19262
Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
Ns acreditamos que o nosso maior ativo so as pessoas. Valorizamos o comprometimento com perspectivas diversas e uma cultura de incluso. Uma carreira no Morgan Stanley significa pertencer a uma cultura impulsionada por ideias, que busca novas vises para solucionar problemas complexos. Temos oportunidades para dois programas de estgio para atuar no nosso escritrio em So Paulo: Programa de Estgio Regular: para candidatos(as) que tenham disponibilidade de estagiar por um perodo de 1 ano at 2 anos, em modelo hbrido/presencial (a depender da disponibilidade da rea) no nosso escritrio em So Paulo. Programa de Estgio de Frias Morgan Stanley com Elas: voltado incluso de mulheres no mercado financeiro. Para candidatas que tenham disponibilidade de estagiar por um perodo de 5 semanas presencialmente no nosso escritrio em So Paulo. Voc poder ser selecionado(a) para trabalhar em qualquer rea, conforme disponibilidade das vagas, porm poder sinalizar suas reas de preferncia. Inscries at 27 de Maro PROGRAMA DE ESTGIO REGULAR MORGAN STANLEY BRASIL 2025.2 Confira mais informaes: Disponibilidade para estagiar por um perodo de 1 ano at 2 anos, em modelo hbrido/presencial (a depender da disponibilidade da rea) no nosso escritrio em So Paulo. Elegibilidade: Graduao prevista entre Julho/2026 e Julho/2027 - favor considerar a data final de formatura, incluindo possveis prorrogaes no momento da inscrio Idiomas: Ingls intermedirio Incio: A partir de Maio de 2025 Benefcios: bolsa estgio, auxlio transporte, vale refeio, seguro de vida, assistncia mdica, assistncia odontolgica, auxlio ingls, vale alimentao, 13 bolsa estgio e Wellhub Local de trabalho: So Paulo (Av. Faria Lima, 3600) PROGRAMA DE ESTGIO DE FRIAS MORGAN STANLEY BRASIL 2025: MORGAN STANLEY COM ELAS O Programa de Estgio de Frias: Morgan Stanley com Elas parte integrante de nossos esforos globais de recrutamento de diversidade. Nele voc ter a oportunidade de aprender sobre os papis e funes que compem nossa organizao localmente, alm de entender e conhecer melhor sobre o mercado financeiro O programa promover o networking para que voc expanda sua rede de relacionamento com os melhores profissionais do mercado e tambm uma agenda de capacitaes semanais. Confira mais informaes: Disponibilidade para estagiar presencialmente por um perodo de 5 semanas Quando: Julho de 2025 (01 de Julho a 01 de Agosto) Elegibilidade: Estudantes mulheres com previso de graduao entre Julho/2027 e Dezembro/2028 - favor considerar a data final de formatura, incluindo possveis prorrogaes no momento da inscrio Perodo de Estgio: 01 de Julho a 01 de Agosto 2025 Benefcios: bolsa estgio, auxlio transporte, vale refeio, seguro de vida, assistncia mdica Local de Trabalho: presencial em So Paulo (Av. Faria Lima, 3600) O PROCESSO SELETIVO DATAS IMPORTANTES 28/Fevereiro: Abertura do Perodo de Inscries 19/Maro: Webinar - Conhea mais sobre o Morgan Stanley 27/Maro: Fechamento do Perodo de Inscries 31 Maro a 6 Abril: Realizao de Testes 23 a 30 Abril: Entrevistas Individuais Maio: Retorno do Processo Seletivo A partir de Maio: Incio do Programa de Estgio 2025.2 01 de Julho: Incio do Programa de Frias: Morgan Stanley com Elas 2025 Quer saber mais sobre o Morgan Stanley? Participe do Webinar no dia 19/03 s 18h FAQ PERGUNTAS RECORRENTES Estou tendo problemas para me inscrever no programa. Quem devo chamar? Voc deve entrar em contato com Tenho dvidas sobre o Morgan Stanley e sobre o programa de estgio. O que devo fazer? Para saber mais sobre o Morgan Stanley e sobre o programa de estgio, participe do nosso Webinar no dia 19 de maro, s 18h, em: Posso me inscrever para o Programa de Estgio e para o Programa de Estgio de Frias ao mesmo tempo? No. S poder ser considerada a candidatura para um nico programa. Quando realizar minha inscrio, posso escolher a rea que tenho interesse de atuar? Voc poder sinalizar as suas reas de preferncia porm o direcionamento final ser feito pelo time interno do banco (RH e gestores), conforme disponibilidade das vagas. Planejo adiar a minha data de graduao na universidade. Quando realizar minha inscrio, devo considerar qual data? Quando for completar a sua inscrio no nosso sistema, favor considerar a sua data final de formatura, incluindo possveis prorrogaes. At quando posso me inscrever para o programa? As inscries para o Programa de Estgio Morgan Stanley Brasil 2025.2 e para o Programa de Estgio de Frias: Morgan Stanley com Elas 2025 se encerram no dia 27 de maro. Perdi o prazo das inscries. Posso aplicar de alguma outra forma? Para garantimos a avaliao correta e igualitria de todos os currculos, recebemos todas as candidaturas diretamente pelo post da vaga. Caso voc tenha perdido o prazo das inscries e tenha interesse em fazer parte da equipe do Morgan Stanley, recomendamos que voc acompanhe os nossos canais oficiais de comunicao para no perder as inscries do nosso prximo programa. Estou com problemas na resoluo da entrevista virtual. Quem devo chamar? Caso tenha algum problema quando estiver realizando a sua entrevista virtual, entre em contato com Estava realizando a etapa de testes online e minha internet caiu. O que eu fao? Entre novamente utilizando o site e login ID que foi disponibilizado e continue de onde parou. Por favor tenha em mente que isso no te dar tempo adicional para completar os testes. Quando fao log in no site mostra que est invalido ou expirado. O que isso significa? Isso significa que voc no completou os testes no perodo de 7 dias que foram indicados por voc por e-mail. Sua inscrio no ser mais considerada para esse programa, mas voc ser bem vindo para aplicar em um programa ou posio futura. Continuo com problemas na resoluo dos testes online. Quem devo chamar? Caso tenha algum problema quando estiver respondendo os testes, entre em contato com o nosso parceiro AON: O prazo de resposta de 4 horas em dias teis e 24 horas aos finais de semana. No poderei participar da entrevista individual pois tive um conflito de agenda. Quem devo avisar? Voc deve entrar em contato com a pessoa que realizou o agendamento, informar o problema e reagendar a entrevista. Para outras dvidas e mais informaes, entre em contato com
2026 Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship (Zurich)
Institutional Securities Group
Zurich, Switzerland
Job # 19252
Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
PLACEMENT AND DURATION The Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship is an opportunity to experience the culture and atmosphere in the Investment Banking Division (IBD) by taking on some of the responsibilities and functions of a Full-time Analyst for a short period. The internship starts in January 2026 and typically lasts for six months. You will spend your internship assigned to a specific group in a specific region, building basic skills in financial analysis, accounting and valuation, while working on a wide range of domestic and international transactions. TRAINING PROGRAM You will receive on-the-job training and benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on a variety of projects. RESPONSIBILITIES Gathering and synthesizing financial and operating information about companies and industries. Creating and updating financial models. Gathering market data to analyse trends and help value and price transactions. Drafting presentations and memoranda for a wider audience within the Firm and the financial services industry. Attending team discussions and client meetings. QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS/REQUIREMENTS You have strong analytical and numerical skills that put you at ease with financial data. You are results-driven, and perform well under pressure and against tight deadlines. You are a proven team player and can manage a wide range of responsibilities. You have an excellent academic background and fluency in English. You have strong written and spoken German language skills; ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is an advantage. You articulate complex ideas simply and summarise them effectively. You are committed to excellence in your work and maintain high professional and ethical standards. APPLICATION DEADLINE The deadline for application for this position is 31st March 2025. Please note, we recruit on a rolling basis so application is encouraged as soon as possible. Salary is competitive with excellent benefits.
Equity Research (LATAM) - Analyst- Consumer (São Paulo, Brazil)
Institutional Securities Group
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Job # 19255
Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Program Type: Full Time
Program Description
Equity Research The Equity Research department is responsible for researching macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions, along with company fundamentals. It also collects and analyses financial information to make investment recommendations on stocks in specific sectors. Research analysts build financial models to explore alternative scenarios, examine industries and communicate with companies and investors. Equity Research team members discuss their analysis and investment recommendations in research notes. A career in investment research at Morgan Stanley demands a commitment to excellence and a passion for the markets as well as the highest level of integrity. We are seeking an Analyst-level individual to join our Research team in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Experience with Equity Research Assist in writing research reports for initiations of stock coverage, analysis of data, earnings results, industry news, and thematic topics Create and maintain earnings, valuation and industry models leveraging skills in accounting, finance and economics Leverage all available resources to create differentiated content for research reports (company-specific or industry) Interact with institutional investors to discuss companies under coverage, investment theses, and respond to requests Keep abreast of industry-related news/industry developments flow and analyze implications for companies under coverage Develop and maintain relationships with investor relations personnel and management of companies under coverage Conduct industry diligence and primary research through surveys, expert conference calls, and various channel checks to evaluate industry trends Assist internal sales and trading teams in the timely analysis of breaking news in the sector Qualifications Experience utilizing Excel to Build / Maintain Financial models, an advanced level of excel proficiency is expected and required. Experience writing in a professional capacity, e.g. correspondence; presentation and/or development of industry reports High proficiency in spoken and written English language. Strong PowerPoint skills are required Expected to be adaptable and have the ability to work well under pressure Strong attention to detail is a must CFA is a plus
2025 Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship (London)
Institutional Securities Group
London, United Kingdom
Job # 17565
Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
PLACEMENT AND DURATION The Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship is an opportunity to experience the culture and atmosphere in the Investment Banking Division (IBD) by taking on some of the responsibilities and functions of a Full-time Analyst for a short period. The internship typically lasts six months but can vary in length depending on business needs and candidate availability. You will spend your internship assigned to a specific group in a specific region, building basic skills in financial analysis, accounting, and valuation, while working on a wide range of domestic and international transactions. TRAINING PROGRAM You will receive on-the-job training and benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on a variety of projects. RESPONSIBILITIES Gathering and synthesising financial and operating information about companies, industries, and governments. Creating and updating financial models. Gathering market data to analyse trends and help value and price transactions. Drafting presentations and memoranda for a wider audience within the Firm and the financial services industry. Attending team discussions and client meetings, where you may be asked to deliver parts of a presentation. QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS/REQUIREMENTS You have strong analytical and numerical skills that put you at ease with financial data. You are results-driven, and perform well under pressure and against tight deadlines. You are a proven team player and can manage a wide range of responsibilities. You have an excellent academic background and fluency in English and Spanish preferred. Ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is an advantage. You articulate complex ideas simply and summarise them effectively. You are committed to excellence in your work and maintain high professional and ethical standards. APPLICATION DEADLINE We recruit on a rolling basis so application is encouraged as soon as possible. We aim to review all applications within a timely manner, however our response times may vary due to high volumes. Please be assured that you will receive an update via email as soon as a decision on your application has been reached, and kindly note we are unable to accommodate any requests to accelerate the timelines of our application process.
2025 Global Capital Markets Industrial Placement Program (Sydney)
Institutional Securities Group
Sydney, Australia
Job # 18449
Application Deadline: Apr 06, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
2025 Global Capital Markets Industrial Placement Program (Sydney) Job Description When clients need capital, Global Capital Markets (GCM) responds with market judgments and ingenuity. Whether executing an IPO, a debt offering or a leveraged buyout, GCM integrates Morgan Stanleys expertise in Sales and Trading and Investment Banking, offering clients seamless advice and sophisticated solutions. GCM originates, structures and executes public and private placement of equities, investment-grade and noninvestment-grade debt and related products. The group provides fresh ideas and broad distribution to help clients get the most out of each stage of a transaction, and continually develops capital markets solutions to enable clients to mitigate strategic, operational, credit and market risks. Our Industrial Placement Program is aimed at undergraduates who are either required by their degree or are able to complete a longer internship period. The six-month internship (June/July 2025 start depending on business needs and candidate availability) is designed to provide a realistic view of Global Capital Markets by having the interns assume the functions of Full-Time Analysts. Along the way, you will obtain a strong foundation in the basic skills of financial analysis and deal execution. You will be expected to start learning how to market the Firms products and services effectively. Training Program This intensive six-month program includes an orientation to Morgan Stanleys businesses and technical training. Your training will continue throughout the internship with structured learning sessions run by senior executives. Similarly, you will have many opportunities to integrate with peers and senior staff through a series of networking, social, charity and mentoring events. Role and Responsibilities The work is challenging, and Industrial Placement Interns are encouraged to roll up their sleeves, dig into financial statements and construct innovative solutions. You will spend the internship in Equity Capital Markets or Fixed Income Capital Markets, building a foundation of financial skills and a solid understanding of the markets. You will have a mentor and buddy aid in your development and to provide greater exposure to GCM and the Firm. You will be encouraged to take on responsibility quickly and help bridge various topics from new trends in the marketplace to group overviews. Qualifications and Skills You are pursuing an undergraduate Bachelors or Master's degree with a graduation date between June 2026 and February 2027. You have an ability to manage multiple projects, provide complicated financial analysis, and develop appropriate corporate finance solutions. Extraordinarily high level of motivation and attention to detail Strong written and verbal communication skills Commercial instinct and ability to perform under pressure and tight deadlines Interest in developing a career in Global Capital Markets Application Process and Deadline Application processes may vary by location but typically follows: CV Online Video Interview Interviews In order to be considered, candidates must apply by April 6, 2025 at 23:55 AEST.
2025/2026 Morgan Stanley Women in Banking Scholarship Program (Sydney/Melbourne)
Multiple Business Areas
Sydney, Australia
Job # 18834
Application Deadline: Apr 06, 2025
Program Type: Diversity Event/Program
Program Description
At Morgan Stanley, we value the diverse perspectives and backgrounds of our people and our culture of inclusion as one of our defining strengths. The Women in Banking Scholarship Program aims to encourage, promote and support female students who are interested in pursuing a career in the banking industry. The Program will offer: Mentorship opportunities with senior leaders from Morgan Stanley An opportunity to explore Australia Summer Analyst/Industrial Placement positions at Morgan Stanley A monetary award of Gross AUD6,250 upon successful completion of the interview process and commencement of an internship with Morgan Stanley Australia Who Should Apply? Morgan Stanley is seeking confident women who thrive in a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment. You will possess effective communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to form effective relationships through collaboration, strive for excellence and exhibit the highest ethical standards. You will have the opportunity to learn about the roles and functions which make up our organization to understand where you may fit best These include Investment Banking, Global Capital Markets, Real Estate and Wealth Management. Eligibility Applicants must be in their penultimate year of study, completing their studies by the end of 2026. Applicants must have the right to remain in Australia to work and study. Applications To apply for the Morgan Stanley Women in Banking Scholarship, please submit your resume, cover letter and academic transcript in a PDF format. Following this, successful candidates will be invited to submit a virtual essay, exploring personal motivations and long term goals. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so we recommend you submit your application early Applications close at 23:55pm AEST on Sunday, 6th April 2025 For questions, please e-mail
2025 Client Engagement Assistant Apprenticeship Programme (London)
Institutional Securities Group
London, United Kingdom
Job # 17720
Application Deadline: Apr 06, 2025
Program Type: Apprenticeship
Program Description
Duration: 18 months Qualification: Level 3 Digital Business Accelerator Join us as an Apprentice at Morgan Stanley and work alongside industry experts gaining valuable on the job training, whilst working towards your qualification. Our Apprenticeship is all about giving you the foundations to kick start your career in a supportive environment, where you can make valuable contributions from the outset and develop both personally & professionally This role sits within the Equity Research Division. The function of the department is to produce market leading in-depth analysis of companies, industries, markets, and world economies. As a client engagement assistant apprentice you will work to assist our research teams in marketing their research content to our vast client base. You will be responsible for coordinating trips worldwide for our analysts to see their clients and directly contribute towards Morgan Stanleys Core Value of Putting Clients First. We're looking for a curious and driven Apprentice who is passionate about building relationships with a variety of different stakeholders whilst having firm control over the day-to-day admin tasks of the research teams. What to Expect: Working collaboratively to assist the teams who create our research Drafting and maintaining an accurate up to date marketing plan Managing and arranging marketing schedules liaising directly with clients Liaising with sales on the coordination and execution of marketing schedules Maintaining distribution lists to ensure content is distributed broadly Supporting our offshore team on admin tasks such as expenses, printing and calendar entries Attend weekly team meetings and provide client updates/information Understand the client base and use tools to improve client engagement Execute group events & conferences Maintaining an up to date workflow and other team documentation Collaborating to ensure diary management and travel accuracy Supporting the team on all new client initiatives Skills Needed: Highly motivated with a can-do attitude Curious with a passion to learn Excellent written & verbal communication skills Team player Ability/desire to develop knowledge of Microsoft Office applications including exceptional Excel skills Highly motivated, and proactive. Able to stay one step ahead and think outside the box Resourceful, reliable, displays good time-management, and enjoys taking the initiative to deliver results Ability to build and sustain enduring professional relationships with individuals across all levels whilst maintaining confidentiality You Must Have: Have achieved GCSE English & Maths 4-9 (C-A) or equivalent Have achieved or be on track to achieve three A levels or equivalent, grade C or above
2026 Investment Banking Off-Cycle Internship (Johannesburg)
Institutional Securities Group
Johannesburg, South Africa
Job # 19181
Application Deadline: Apr 13, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
PLACEMENT AND DURATION The Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship is an opportunity to experience the culture and atmosphere in the Investment Banking Division (IBD) by taking on some of the responsibilities and functions of a Full-time Analyst for a short period. The internship typically lasts three to six months, but can vary in length depending on business needs and candidate availability. You will spend your internship assigned to a specific group in a specific region, building basic skills in financial analysis, accounting and valuation, while working on a wide range of domestic and international transactions. TRAINING PROGRAM You will receive on-the-job training and benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on a variety of projects. RESPONSIBILITIES Gathering and synthesising financial and operating information about companies, industries and governments. Creating and updating financial models. Gathering market data to analyse trends and help value and price transactions. Drafting presentations and memoranda for a wider audience within the Firm and the financial services industry. Attending team discussions and client meetings, where you may be asked to deliver parts of a presentation. QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS/REQUIREMENTS You have strong analytical and numerical skills that put You at ease with financial data. You are results-driven, and perform well under pressure and against tight deadlines. You are a proven team player and can manage a wide range of responsibilities. You have an excellent academic background and fluency in English. Ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is an advantage. You articulate complex ideas simply and summarise them effectively. You are committed to excellence in your work and maintain high professional and ethical standards. Salary is competitive with excellent benefits.
2026 Fixed Income Research Summer Analyst Program (New York)
Institutional Securities Group
New York, United States of America
Job # 18944
Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
The Fixed Income Research Summer Analyst Program is a 10-week program consisting of one week of classroom training, followed by multiple rotations. Summer Analysts may rotate on various Fixed Income Research desks including Corporate Credit, Interest Rates, Emerging Markets, Foreign Exchange, Municipal Credit and Securitized Credit. Summer Analysts receive on-the-job training, benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on meaningful projects, and build their skillsets in a dynamic and evolving environment. In addition, the program features a Senior Management Speaker Series, desk teach-ins, networking events, community service, performance reviews, and a robust mentorship program. Training Program Summer Analysts begin with a one-day orientation where they are introduced to the Firm's businesses and learn what it's like to be an employee at Morgan Stanley. Fixed Income Research Summer Analysts then attend both Research and Sales & Trading division-specific training where they learn core skills essential for success. The curriculum includes daily market updates, business-specific overviews, and basic product and technical training. Role and Responsibilities Develop investment recommendations on Fixed Income Securities through the study of market fundamentals and technical research. Helping develop models to identify short term asset-class disconnects in real time. Working on longer-term asset allocation challenges (e.g. the optimal way to generate a 3 return over inflation). Assisting with the day-to-day production of our research content. Analysts will be given a specific project during each rotation focusing on anything from developing and pitching a trade idea to creating new valuation and trading models. The project will be presented to the research team at the end of each rotation. Qualifications and Skills You are pursuing an undergraduate degree with a graduation date of December 2026 or Spring 2027. Minimum 3.0 GPA. Basic knowledge of and a keen interest in finance and markets. Strong work ethic, collaborative, ability to multi-task. Adaptable, versatile, and analytical. Strong oral and written communication skills. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and we encourage you to apply as soon as you are ready. In order to be considered a complete application, students must submit an application and complete a HireVue (instructions emailed upon submission of application). Applications will close on Tuesday, April 15. Expected base pay rates for the role will be 52.89 per hour at the commencement of employment. However, base pay if hired will be determined on an individualized basis and is only part of the total compensation package, which, depending on the position, may also include commission earnings, incentive compensation, discretionary bonuses, other short and long-term incentive packages, and other Morgan Stanley sponsored benefit programs. Morgan Stanley's goal is to build and maintain a workforce that is diverse in experience and background but uniform in reflecting our standards of integrity and excellence. Consequently, our recruiting efforts reflect our desire to attract and retain the best and brightest from all talent pools. We want to be the first choice for prospective employees. It is the policy of the Firm to ensure equal employment opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, sex stereotype, gender, gender identity or expression, transgender, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, marital and civil partnership/union status, pregnancy, veteran or military service status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. Morgan Stanley is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversifying its workforce (M/F/Disability/Vet).
2026 Global Capital Markets Summer Analyst Program (New York)
Institutional Securities Group
New York, United States of America
Job # 18969
Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
Morgan Stanley's Global Capital Markets division offers a 10-week program that takes place at Morgan Stanleys headquarters in New York. The program includes opportunity to be placed on one of our desks within Global Capital Markets (GCM), which could include: Equity Capital Markets (ECM), Fixed Income Capital Markets (FICM), Leveraged Finance (LevFin), Securitized Products Capital Markets (SPCM), Liability Management, Project Finance, or Strategic Lending Group (SLG); a training and orientation with a variety of presentations, coursework, and exercises with experts and industry leaders; a formal mentorship program to aid in your development and provide greater exposure to GCM. The summer program includes, but is not limited to, engagement with senior leadership, lunch & learn sessions, regular networking events, and interaction with other businesses across the Firm, a market driven environment with an open trading floor where you are closely integrated with your team, a flat structure experience that will provide you with a high level of responsibility early in your career. Program Overview Responsibilities may include but are not limited to: Work with our clients on complex, innovative financing, and risk management solutions Learn how to read complex financial models and understand basic multiples such as P/E and Aggregate Value/EBITDA Learn how equity deals are priced and play an active role in the origination and execution of transactions, while working closely with your Corporate Finance counterparts in Investment Banking Help prepare materials to provide clients with valuable updates on market news and trends and how these affect their access to the debt capital markets Work with our trading and syndicate desks on rate views, product management and deal execution; build and run complex financial models. Analyze and create, for both corporate and financial sponsors, various financing alternatives in the context of debt and/or loan financing, leveraged buyouts and acquisition financings Qualifications & Skills Pursuing a Bachelor's degree and will graduate between December 2026 and Spring 2027 Basic knowledge of and a keen interest in finance Outstanding analytical and quantitative skills A great multi-tasker, possess a strong work ethic, and have a positive attitude Excellent verbal and written communication skills A quick learner, both a leader and team player, and a self-starter with the ability to work independently Detail oriented with strong organizational skills and ability to manage time efficiently and effectively Application Details We review Global Capital Markets applications on a rolling basis and encourage you to apply as soon as you are ready because interviews can occur prior to the application period closing, which is Tuesday, April 15. Expected base pay rates for the role will be 52.89 per hour at the commencement of employment. However, base pay if hired will be determined on an individualized basis and is only part of the total compensation package, which, depending on the position, may also include commission earnings, incentive compensation, discretionary bonuses, other short and long-term incentive packages, and other Morgan Stanley sponsored benefit programs. Morgan Stanley's goal is to build and maintain a workforce that is diverse in experience and background but uniform in reflecting our standards of integrity and excellence. Consequently, our recruiting efforts reflect our desire to attract and retain the best and brightest from all talent pools. We want to be the first choice for prospective employees. It is the policy of the Firm to ensure equal employment opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, sex stereotype, gender, gender identity or expression, transgender, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, marital and civil partnership/union status, pregnancy, veteran or military service status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. Morgan Stanley is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversifying its workforce (M/F/Disability/Vet).
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2025.2 Brazil Internship Program (Sao Paulo)
Multiple Business Areas
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Job # 19262
Application Deadline: Mar 28, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
Ns acreditamos que o nosso maior ativo so as pessoas. Valorizamos o comprometimento com perspectivas diversas e uma cultura de incluso. Uma carreira no Morgan Stanley significa pertencer a uma cultura impulsionada por ideias, que busca novas vises para solucionar problemas complexos. Temos oportunidades para dois programas de estgio para atuar no nosso escritrio em So Paulo: Programa de Estgio Regular: para candidatos(as) que tenham disponibilidade de estagiar por um perodo de 1 ano at 2 anos, em modelo hbrido/presencial (a depender da disponibilidade da rea) no nosso escritrio em So Paulo. Programa de Estgio de Frias Morgan Stanley com Elas: voltado incluso de mulheres no mercado financeiro. Para candidatas que tenham disponibilidade de estagiar por um perodo de 5 semanas presencialmente no nosso escritrio em So Paulo. Voc poder ser selecionado(a) para trabalhar em qualquer rea, conforme disponibilidade das vagas, porm poder sinalizar suas reas de preferncia. Inscries at 27 de Maro PROGRAMA DE ESTGIO REGULAR MORGAN STANLEY BRASIL 2025.2 Confira mais informaes: Disponibilidade para estagiar por um perodo de 1 ano at 2 anos, em modelo hbrido/presencial (a depender da disponibilidade da rea) no nosso escritrio em So Paulo. Elegibilidade: Graduao prevista entre Julho/2026 e Julho/2027 - favor considerar a data final de formatura, incluindo possveis prorrogaes no momento da inscrio Idiomas: Ingls intermedirio Incio: A partir de Maio de 2025 Benefcios: bolsa estgio, auxlio transporte, vale refeio, seguro de vida, assistncia mdica, assistncia odontolgica, auxlio ingls, vale alimentao, 13 bolsa estgio e Wellhub Local de trabalho: So Paulo (Av. Faria Lima, 3600) PROGRAMA DE ESTGIO DE FRIAS MORGAN STANLEY BRASIL 2025: MORGAN STANLEY COM ELAS O Programa de Estgio de Frias: Morgan Stanley com Elas parte integrante de nossos esforos globais de recrutamento de diversidade. Nele voc ter a oportunidade de aprender sobre os papis e funes que compem nossa organizao localmente, alm de entender e conhecer melhor sobre o mercado financeiro O programa promover o networking para que voc expanda sua rede de relacionamento com os melhores profissionais do mercado e tambm uma agenda de capacitaes semanais. Confira mais informaes: Disponibilidade para estagiar presencialmente por um perodo de 5 semanas Quando: Julho de 2025 (01 de Julho a 01 de Agosto) Elegibilidade: Estudantes mulheres com previso de graduao entre Julho/2027 e Dezembro/2028 - favor considerar a data final de formatura, incluindo possveis prorrogaes no momento da inscrio Perodo de Estgio: 01 de Julho a 01 de Agosto 2025 Benefcios: bolsa estgio, auxlio transporte, vale refeio, seguro de vida, assistncia mdica Local de Trabalho: presencial em So Paulo (Av. Faria Lima, 3600) O PROCESSO SELETIVO DATAS IMPORTANTES 28/Fevereiro: Abertura do Perodo de Inscries 19/Maro: Webinar - Conhea mais sobre o Morgan Stanley 27/Maro: Fechamento do Perodo de Inscries 31 Maro a 6 Abril: Realizao de Testes 23 a 30 Abril: Entrevistas Individuais Maio: Retorno do Processo Seletivo A partir de Maio: Incio do Programa de Estgio 2025.2 01 de Julho: Incio do Programa de Frias: Morgan Stanley com Elas 2025 Quer saber mais sobre o Morgan Stanley? Participe do Webinar no dia 19/03 s 18h FAQ PERGUNTAS RECORRENTES Estou tendo problemas para me inscrever no programa. Quem devo chamar? Voc deve entrar em contato com Tenho dvidas sobre o Morgan Stanley e sobre o programa de estgio. O que devo fazer? Para saber mais sobre o Morgan Stanley e sobre o programa de estgio, participe do nosso Webinar no dia 19 de maro, s 18h, em: Posso me inscrever para o Programa de Estgio e para o Programa de Estgio de Frias ao mesmo tempo? No. S poder ser considerada a candidatura para um nico programa. Quando realizar minha inscrio, posso escolher a rea que tenho interesse de atuar? Voc poder sinalizar as suas reas de preferncia porm o direcionamento final ser feito pelo time interno do banco (RH e gestores), conforme disponibilidade das vagas. Planejo adiar a minha data de graduao na universidade. Quando realizar minha inscrio, devo considerar qual data? Quando for completar a sua inscrio no nosso sistema, favor considerar a sua data final de formatura, incluindo possveis prorrogaes. At quando posso me inscrever para o programa? As inscries para o Programa de Estgio Morgan Stanley Brasil 2025.2 e para o Programa de Estgio de Frias: Morgan Stanley com Elas 2025 se encerram no dia 27 de maro. Perdi o prazo das inscries. Posso aplicar de alguma outra forma? Para garantimos a avaliao correta e igualitria de todos os currculos, recebemos todas as candidaturas diretamente pelo post da vaga. Caso voc tenha perdido o prazo das inscries e tenha interesse em fazer parte da equipe do Morgan Stanley, recomendamos que voc acompanhe os nossos canais oficiais de comunicao para no perder as inscries do nosso prximo programa. Estou com problemas na resoluo da entrevista virtual. Quem devo chamar? Caso tenha algum problema quando estiver realizando a sua entrevista virtual, entre em contato com Estava realizando a etapa de testes online e minha internet caiu. O que eu fao? Entre novamente utilizando o site e login ID que foi disponibilizado e continue de onde parou. Por favor tenha em mente que isso no te dar tempo adicional para completar os testes. Quando fao log in no site mostra que est invalido ou expirado. O que isso significa? Isso significa que voc no completou os testes no perodo de 7 dias que foram indicados por voc por e-mail. Sua inscrio no ser mais considerada para esse programa, mas voc ser bem vindo para aplicar em um programa ou posio futura. Continuo com problemas na resoluo dos testes online. Quem devo chamar? Caso tenha algum problema quando estiver respondendo os testes, entre em contato com o nosso parceiro AON: O prazo de resposta de 4 horas em dias teis e 24 horas aos finais de semana. No poderei participar da entrevista individual pois tive um conflito de agenda. Quem devo avisar? Voc deve entrar em contato com a pessoa que realizou o agendamento, informar o problema e reagendar a entrevista. Para outras dvidas e mais informaes, entre em contato com
2026 Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship (Zurich)
Institutional Securities Group
Zurich, Switzerland
Job # 19252
Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
PLACEMENT AND DURATION The Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship is an opportunity to experience the culture and atmosphere in the Investment Banking Division (IBD) by taking on some of the responsibilities and functions of a Full-time Analyst for a short period. The internship starts in January 2026 and typically lasts for six months. You will spend your internship assigned to a specific group in a specific region, building basic skills in financial analysis, accounting and valuation, while working on a wide range of domestic and international transactions. TRAINING PROGRAM You will receive on-the-job training and benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on a variety of projects. RESPONSIBILITIES Gathering and synthesizing financial and operating information about companies and industries. Creating and updating financial models. Gathering market data to analyse trends and help value and price transactions. Drafting presentations and memoranda for a wider audience within the Firm and the financial services industry. Attending team discussions and client meetings. QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS/REQUIREMENTS You have strong analytical and numerical skills that put you at ease with financial data. You are results-driven, and perform well under pressure and against tight deadlines. You are a proven team player and can manage a wide range of responsibilities. You have an excellent academic background and fluency in English. You have strong written and spoken German language skills; ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is an advantage. You articulate complex ideas simply and summarise them effectively. You are committed to excellence in your work and maintain high professional and ethical standards. APPLICATION DEADLINE The deadline for application for this position is 31st March 2025. Please note, we recruit on a rolling basis so application is encouraged as soon as possible. Salary is competitive with excellent benefits.
Equity Research (LATAM) - Analyst- Consumer (São Paulo, Brazil)
Institutional Securities Group
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Job # 19255
Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Program Type: Full Time
Program Description
Equity Research The Equity Research department is responsible for researching macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions, along with company fundamentals. It also collects and analyses financial information to make investment recommendations on stocks in specific sectors. Research analysts build financial models to explore alternative scenarios, examine industries and communicate with companies and investors. Equity Research team members discuss their analysis and investment recommendations in research notes. A career in investment research at Morgan Stanley demands a commitment to excellence and a passion for the markets as well as the highest level of integrity. We are seeking an Analyst-level individual to join our Research team in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Experience with Equity Research Assist in writing research reports for initiations of stock coverage, analysis of data, earnings results, industry news, and thematic topics Create and maintain earnings, valuation and industry models leveraging skills in accounting, finance and economics Leverage all available resources to create differentiated content for research reports (company-specific or industry) Interact with institutional investors to discuss companies under coverage, investment theses, and respond to requests Keep abreast of industry-related news/industry developments flow and analyze implications for companies under coverage Develop and maintain relationships with investor relations personnel and management of companies under coverage Conduct industry diligence and primary research through surveys, expert conference calls, and various channel checks to evaluate industry trends Assist internal sales and trading teams in the timely analysis of breaking news in the sector Qualifications Experience utilizing Excel to Build / Maintain Financial models, an advanced level of excel proficiency is expected and required. Experience writing in a professional capacity, e.g. correspondence; presentation and/or development of industry reports High proficiency in spoken and written English language. Strong PowerPoint skills are required Expected to be adaptable and have the ability to work well under pressure Strong attention to detail is a must CFA is a plus
2025 Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship (London)
Institutional Securities Group
London, United Kingdom
Job # 17565
Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
PLACEMENT AND DURATION The Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship is an opportunity to experience the culture and atmosphere in the Investment Banking Division (IBD) by taking on some of the responsibilities and functions of a Full-time Analyst for a short period. The internship typically lasts six months but can vary in length depending on business needs and candidate availability. You will spend your internship assigned to a specific group in a specific region, building basic skills in financial analysis, accounting, and valuation, while working on a wide range of domestic and international transactions. TRAINING PROGRAM You will receive on-the-job training and benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on a variety of projects. RESPONSIBILITIES Gathering and synthesising financial and operating information about companies, industries, and governments. Creating and updating financial models. Gathering market data to analyse trends and help value and price transactions. Drafting presentations and memoranda for a wider audience within the Firm and the financial services industry. Attending team discussions and client meetings, where you may be asked to deliver parts of a presentation. QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS/REQUIREMENTS You have strong analytical and numerical skills that put you at ease with financial data. You are results-driven, and perform well under pressure and against tight deadlines. You are a proven team player and can manage a wide range of responsibilities. You have an excellent academic background and fluency in English and Spanish preferred. Ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is an advantage. You articulate complex ideas simply and summarise them effectively. You are committed to excellence in your work and maintain high professional and ethical standards. APPLICATION DEADLINE We recruit on a rolling basis so application is encouraged as soon as possible. We aim to review all applications within a timely manner, however our response times may vary due to high volumes. Please be assured that you will receive an update via email as soon as a decision on your application has been reached, and kindly note we are unable to accommodate any requests to accelerate the timelines of our application process.
2025 Global Capital Markets Industrial Placement Program (Sydney)
Institutional Securities Group
Sydney, Australia
Job # 18449
Application Deadline: Apr 06, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
2025 Global Capital Markets Industrial Placement Program (Sydney) Job Description When clients need capital, Global Capital Markets (GCM) responds with market judgments and ingenuity. Whether executing an IPO, a debt offering or a leveraged buyout, GCM integrates Morgan Stanleys expertise in Sales and Trading and Investment Banking, offering clients seamless advice and sophisticated solutions. GCM originates, structures and executes public and private placement of equities, investment-grade and noninvestment-grade debt and related products. The group provides fresh ideas and broad distribution to help clients get the most out of each stage of a transaction, and continually develops capital markets solutions to enable clients to mitigate strategic, operational, credit and market risks. Our Industrial Placement Program is aimed at undergraduates who are either required by their degree or are able to complete a longer internship period. The six-month internship (June/July 2025 start depending on business needs and candidate availability) is designed to provide a realistic view of Global Capital Markets by having the interns assume the functions of Full-Time Analysts. Along the way, you will obtain a strong foundation in the basic skills of financial analysis and deal execution. You will be expected to start learning how to market the Firms products and services effectively. Training Program This intensive six-month program includes an orientation to Morgan Stanleys businesses and technical training. Your training will continue throughout the internship with structured learning sessions run by senior executives. Similarly, you will have many opportunities to integrate with peers and senior staff through a series of networking, social, charity and mentoring events. Role and Responsibilities The work is challenging, and Industrial Placement Interns are encouraged to roll up their sleeves, dig into financial statements and construct innovative solutions. You will spend the internship in Equity Capital Markets or Fixed Income Capital Markets, building a foundation of financial skills and a solid understanding of the markets. You will have a mentor and buddy aid in your development and to provide greater exposure to GCM and the Firm. You will be encouraged to take on responsibility quickly and help bridge various topics from new trends in the marketplace to group overviews. Qualifications and Skills You are pursuing an undergraduate Bachelors or Master's degree with a graduation date between June 2026 and February 2027. You have an ability to manage multiple projects, provide complicated financial analysis, and develop appropriate corporate finance solutions. Extraordinarily high level of motivation and attention to detail Strong written and verbal communication skills Commercial instinct and ability to perform under pressure and tight deadlines Interest in developing a career in Global Capital Markets Application Process and Deadline Application processes may vary by location but typically follows: CV Online Video Interview Interviews In order to be considered, candidates must apply by April 6, 2025 at 23:55 AEST.
2025/2026 Morgan Stanley Women in Banking Scholarship Program (Sydney/Melbourne)
Multiple Business Areas
Sydney, Australia
Job # 18834
Application Deadline: Apr 06, 2025
Program Type: Diversity Event/Program
Program Description
At Morgan Stanley, we value the diverse perspectives and backgrounds of our people and our culture of inclusion as one of our defining strengths. The Women in Banking Scholarship Program aims to encourage, promote and support female students who are interested in pursuing a career in the banking industry. The Program will offer: Mentorship opportunities with senior leaders from Morgan Stanley An opportunity to explore Australia Summer Analyst/Industrial Placement positions at Morgan Stanley A monetary award of Gross AUD6,250 upon successful completion of the interview process and commencement of an internship with Morgan Stanley Australia Who Should Apply? Morgan Stanley is seeking confident women who thrive in a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment. You will possess effective communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to form effective relationships through collaboration, strive for excellence and exhibit the highest ethical standards. You will have the opportunity to learn about the roles and functions which make up our organization to understand where you may fit best These include Investment Banking, Global Capital Markets, Real Estate and Wealth Management. Eligibility Applicants must be in their penultimate year of study, completing their studies by the end of 2026. Applicants must have the right to remain in Australia to work and study. Applications To apply for the Morgan Stanley Women in Banking Scholarship, please submit your resume, cover letter and academic transcript in a PDF format. Following this, successful candidates will be invited to submit a virtual essay, exploring personal motivations and long term goals. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so we recommend you submit your application early Applications close at 23:55pm AEST on Sunday, 6th April 2025 For questions, please e-mail
2025 Client Engagement Assistant Apprenticeship Programme (London)
Institutional Securities Group
London, United Kingdom
Job # 17720
Application Deadline: Apr 06, 2025
Program Type: Apprenticeship
Program Description
Duration: 18 months Qualification: Level 3 Digital Business Accelerator Join us as an Apprentice at Morgan Stanley and work alongside industry experts gaining valuable on the job training, whilst working towards your qualification. Our Apprenticeship is all about giving you the foundations to kick start your career in a supportive environment, where you can make valuable contributions from the outset and develop both personally & professionally This role sits within the Equity Research Division. The function of the department is to produce market leading in-depth analysis of companies, industries, markets, and world economies. As a client engagement assistant apprentice you will work to assist our research teams in marketing their research content to our vast client base. You will be responsible for coordinating trips worldwide for our analysts to see their clients and directly contribute towards Morgan Stanleys Core Value of Putting Clients First. We're looking for a curious and driven Apprentice who is passionate about building relationships with a variety of different stakeholders whilst having firm control over the day-to-day admin tasks of the research teams. What to Expect: Working collaboratively to assist the teams who create our research Drafting and maintaining an accurate up to date marketing plan Managing and arranging marketing schedules liaising directly with clients Liaising with sales on the coordination and execution of marketing schedules Maintaining distribution lists to ensure content is distributed broadly Supporting our offshore team on admin tasks such as expenses, printing and calendar entries Attend weekly team meetings and provide client updates/information Understand the client base and use tools to improve client engagement Execute group events & conferences Maintaining an up to date workflow and other team documentation Collaborating to ensure diary management and travel accuracy Supporting the team on all new client initiatives Skills Needed: Highly motivated with a can-do attitude Curious with a passion to learn Excellent written & verbal communication skills Team player Ability/desire to develop knowledge of Microsoft Office applications including exceptional Excel skills Highly motivated, and proactive. Able to stay one step ahead and think outside the box Resourceful, reliable, displays good time-management, and enjoys taking the initiative to deliver results Ability to build and sustain enduring professional relationships with individuals across all levels whilst maintaining confidentiality You Must Have: Have achieved GCSE English & Maths 4-9 (C-A) or equivalent Have achieved or be on track to achieve three A levels or equivalent, grade C or above
2026 Investment Banking Off-Cycle Internship (Johannesburg)
Institutional Securities Group
Johannesburg, South Africa
Job # 19181
Application Deadline: Apr 13, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
PLACEMENT AND DURATION The Investment Banking Off-cycle Internship is an opportunity to experience the culture and atmosphere in the Investment Banking Division (IBD) by taking on some of the responsibilities and functions of a Full-time Analyst for a short period. The internship typically lasts three to six months, but can vary in length depending on business needs and candidate availability. You will spend your internship assigned to a specific group in a specific region, building basic skills in financial analysis, accounting and valuation, while working on a wide range of domestic and international transactions. TRAINING PROGRAM You will receive on-the-job training and benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on a variety of projects. RESPONSIBILITIES Gathering and synthesising financial and operating information about companies, industries and governments. Creating and updating financial models. Gathering market data to analyse trends and help value and price transactions. Drafting presentations and memoranda for a wider audience within the Firm and the financial services industry. Attending team discussions and client meetings, where you may be asked to deliver parts of a presentation. QUALIFICATIONS/SKILLS/REQUIREMENTS You have strong analytical and numerical skills that put You at ease with financial data. You are results-driven, and perform well under pressure and against tight deadlines. You are a proven team player and can manage a wide range of responsibilities. You have an excellent academic background and fluency in English. Ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is an advantage. You articulate complex ideas simply and summarise them effectively. You are committed to excellence in your work and maintain high professional and ethical standards. Salary is competitive with excellent benefits.
2026 Fixed Income Research Summer Analyst Program (New York)
Institutional Securities Group
New York, United States of America
Job # 18944
Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
The Fixed Income Research Summer Analyst Program is a 10-week program consisting of one week of classroom training, followed by multiple rotations. Summer Analysts may rotate on various Fixed Income Research desks including Corporate Credit, Interest Rates, Emerging Markets, Foreign Exchange, Municipal Credit and Securitized Credit. Summer Analysts receive on-the-job training, benefit from working alongside experienced professionals on meaningful projects, and build their skillsets in a dynamic and evolving environment. In addition, the program features a Senior Management Speaker Series, desk teach-ins, networking events, community service, performance reviews, and a robust mentorship program. Training Program Summer Analysts begin with a one-day orientation where they are introduced to the Firm's businesses and learn what it's like to be an employee at Morgan Stanley. Fixed Income Research Summer Analysts then attend both Research and Sales & Trading division-specific training where they learn core skills essential for success. The curriculum includes daily market updates, business-specific overviews, and basic product and technical training. Role and Responsibilities Develop investment recommendations on Fixed Income Securities through the study of market fundamentals and technical research. Helping develop models to identify short term asset-class disconnects in real time. Working on longer-term asset allocation challenges (e.g. the optimal way to generate a 3 return over inflation). Assisting with the day-to-day production of our research content. Analysts will be given a specific project during each rotation focusing on anything from developing and pitching a trade idea to creating new valuation and trading models. The project will be presented to the research team at the end of each rotation. Qualifications and Skills You are pursuing an undergraduate degree with a graduation date of December 2026 or Spring 2027. Minimum 3.0 GPA. Basic knowledge of and a keen interest in finance and markets. Strong work ethic, collaborative, ability to multi-task. Adaptable, versatile, and analytical. Strong oral and written communication skills. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and we encourage you to apply as soon as you are ready. In order to be considered a complete application, students must submit an application and complete a HireVue (instructions emailed upon submission of application). Applications will close on Tuesday, April 15. Expected base pay rates for the role will be 52.89 per hour at the commencement of employment. However, base pay if hired will be determined on an individualized basis and is only part of the total compensation package, which, depending on the position, may also include commission earnings, incentive compensation, discretionary bonuses, other short and long-term incentive packages, and other Morgan Stanley sponsored benefit programs. Morgan Stanley's goal is to build and maintain a workforce that is diverse in experience and background but uniform in reflecting our standards of integrity and excellence. Consequently, our recruiting efforts reflect our desire to attract and retain the best and brightest from all talent pools. We want to be the first choice for prospective employees. It is the policy of the Firm to ensure equal employment opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, sex stereotype, gender, gender identity or expression, transgender, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, marital and civil partnership/union status, pregnancy, veteran or military service status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. Morgan Stanley is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversifying its workforce (M/F/Disability/Vet).
2026 Global Capital Markets Summer Analyst Program (New York)
Institutional Securities Group
New York, United States of America
Job # 18969
Application Deadline: Apr 15, 2025
Program Type: Internship
Program Description
Morgan Stanley's Global Capital Markets division offers a 10-week program that takes place at Morgan Stanleys headquarters in New York. The program includes opportunity to be placed on one of our desks within Global Capital Markets (GCM), which could include: Equity Capital Markets (ECM), Fixed Income Capital Markets (FICM), Leveraged Finance (LevFin), Securitized Products Capital Markets (SPCM), Liability Management, Project Finance, or Strategic Lending Group (SLG); a training and orientation with a variety of presentations, coursework, and exercises with experts and industry leaders; a formal mentorship program to aid in your development and provide greater exposure to GCM. The summer program includes, but is not limited to, engagement with senior leadership, lunch & learn sessions, regular networking events, and interaction with other businesses across the Firm, a market driven environment with an open trading floor where you are closely integrated with your team, a flat structure experience that will provide you with a high level of responsibility early in your career. Program Overview Responsibilities may include but are not limited to: Work with our clients on complex, innovative financing, and risk management solutions Learn how to read complex financial models and understand basic multiples such as P/E and Aggregate Value/EBITDA Learn how equity deals are priced and play an active role in the origination and execution of transactions, while working closely with your Corporate Finance counterparts in Investment Banking Help prepare materials to provide clients with valuable updates on market news and trends and how these affect their access to the debt capital markets Work with our trading and syndicate desks on rate views, product management and deal execution; build and run complex financial models. Analyze and create, for both corporate and financial sponsors, various financing alternatives in the context of debt and/or loan financing, leveraged buyouts and acquisition financings Qualifications & Skills Pursuing a Bachelor's degree and will graduate between December 2026 and Spring 2027 Basic knowledge of and a keen interest in finance Outstanding analytical and quantitative skills A great multi-tasker, possess a strong work ethic, and have a positive attitude Excellent verbal and written communication skills A quick learner, both a leader and team player, and a self-starter with the ability to work independently Detail oriented with strong organizational skills and ability to manage time efficiently and effectively Application Details We review Global Capital Markets applications on a rolling basis and encourage you to apply as soon as you are ready because interviews can occur prior to the application period closing, which is Tuesday, April 15. Expected base pay rates for the role will be 52.89 per hour at the commencement of employment. However, base pay if hired will be determined on an individualized basis and is only part of the total compensation package, which, depending on the position, may also include commission earnings, incentive compensation, discretionary bonuses, other short and long-term incentive packages, and other Morgan Stanley sponsored benefit programs. Morgan Stanley's goal is to build and maintain a workforce that is diverse in experience and background but uniform in reflecting our standards of integrity and excellence. Consequently, our recruiting efforts reflect our desire to attract and retain the best and brightest from all talent pools. We want to be the first choice for prospective employees. It is the policy of the Firm to ensure equal employment opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, sex, sex stereotype, gender, gender identity or expression, transgender, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, disability, marital and civil partnership/union status, pregnancy, veteran or military service status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. Morgan Stanley is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversifying its workforce (M/F/Disability/Vet).
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