
Susanna joined Morgan Stanley in 2014 and has 35 years of financial industry experience, the majority of which has been in infrastructure. She is a Managing Director and is the primary securities analyst responsible for transportation infrastructure coverage for Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s Global Infrastructure Securities strategy. Prior to joining the Firm, Susanna was a senior analyst within Equity Research at Barclays, based in London. In conjunction with that role, she was the Head of the European Infrastructure and Transport team and leading coordinator of Global Infrastructure products. Susanna was also Head of European Utilities at Barclays since March 2009, when she joined from Nomura (formerly Lehman Brothers), where she led the utilities and infrastructure equity research team for 10 years. Prior to that she worked at NatWest Markets (BT AlexBrown) and Goldman Sachs. Susanna graduated summa cum laude from Bocconi University with a Business Administration degree.

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