Alternative Investments


Who We Are

We have been committed to managing alternative investment strategies since 1985. Today, we are a leading provider across private equity, private credit, hedge funds, real estate and infrastructure. Backed by the operational strength of a $1.7 trillion AUM1 asset manager, we leverage the strength of our firm to innovate, to deliver best-in-class products and to customize investment programs that meet the unique needs of our clients around the globe. Designed to address investor challenges, our platform includes fund offerings that span investor qualification types, from 1940 Act funds to private placements.

Investable Capital2
As of December 31, 2024


Unparalleled global reach, resources, and reputation


Specialized teams with true investment autonomy


Diverse range of strategies in markets where we have an edge

Light Bulb - White Transparent


Alternative investments are strategies that cannot be accessed through traditional equity and fixed income solutions. These strategies have the potential to address many of the challenges that face investors today—the need for enhanced income, inflation protection, diversification, and stability amid volatile markets.


What We Do

Private Equity

Private Equity

We leverage the firm's global network of talent, relationships, and operational resources to make an outsized impact on a company's growth trajectory.

In addition to investing in private businesses, we allocate capital to compelling fund managers, secondary market opportunities, and co-investments on behalf of clients.

Private Credit

Private Credit

We believe that better partnerships mean better deals, which result in stronger portfolios.

By sharing our intellectual capital, market expertise, relationship network, and operational insights, we help management teams improve the performance of their businesses.

Real Estate

Real Assets

With 30+ years experience identifying, structuring and managing real asset investments, our global platform includes a broad range of private real estate and private infrastructure equity and credit solutions.

Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds

With 20+ years of experience investing in alternative strategies, we have the reputation as a trusted partner.

Our platform includes strategies and services that span geographies, investment types, liquidity preferences and implementation options.

Alternative Solutions

Alternative Solutions

We offer a suite of custom multi-asset and alternatives-focused solutions for investors seeking bespoke portfolios or turnkey programs and advisors seeking proprietary portfolios to offer their clients.

We offer a range of customized solutions including sophisticated tax-management strategies.


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Educational Material

Who We Are

We have been committed to managing alternative investment strategies since 1985. Today, we are a leading provider across private equity, private credit, hedge funds, real estate and infrastructure. Backed by the operational strength of a $1.7 trillion AUM asset manager, we leverage the strength of our firm to innovate, to deliver best-in-class products and to customize investment programs that meet the unique needs of our clients around the globe. Designed to address investor challenges, our platform includes fund offerings that span investor qualification types, from 1940 Act funds to private placements.

Investable Capital1
As of December 31, 2024


Unparalleled global reach, resources, and reputation


Specialized teams with true investment autonomy


Diverse range of strategies in markets where we have an edge

Light Bulb - White Transparent


Alternative investments are strategies that cannot be accessed through traditional equity and fixed income solutions. These strategies have the potential to address many of the challenges that face investors today—the need for enhanced income, inflation protection, diversification, and stability amid volatile markets.

What We Do

Private Equity

Private Equity

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Private Credit

Private Credit

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Real Estate

Real Assets

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Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds

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Alternative Solutions

Alternative Solutions

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Learn More

1 As of December 31, 2024

2 Investable Capital includes fee-earning assets under management (AUM), unfunded commitments, co-investments and fund leverage.

Diversification does not eliminate the risk of loss. Alternative investment funds are often unregulated, are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as mutual funds, and are not required to provide periodic pricing or valuation information to investors. The investment strategies described in the preceding pages may not be suitable for your specific circumstances; accordingly, you should consult your own tax, legal or other advisors, at both the outset of any transaction and on an ongoing basis, to determine such suitability.

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