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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  19-Mär-2025

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: History in the Making 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Things are changing fast and remain fluid. Whether it is for better or worse we do not know. The Broad Markets Fixed Income Teams explores the implications for investors.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  25-Feb-2025

Video: Eine von Hü und Hott geprägte Welt 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Während wir darauf warten, dass das Weiße Haus für Klarheit in Bezug auf seine Politik sorgt, die beträchtliche Auswirkungen auf das Finanzumfeld haben könnte, gehen wir in unserem neuesten Video ausführlich darauf ein, weshalb die Zölle, Geldpolitik und Fundamentaldaten am Kreditmarkt für die globalen Anleihemärkte so wichtig sind.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  20-Feb-2025

An On-Again, Off-Again World 

Fixed Income
While financial markets had a good January, the future remains quite murky. The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explores.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  28-Jan-2025

Video: Ist 2025 (endlich) das Jahr der Anleihe? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Neugierig auf die Zukunft der Geldpolitik, von Staats- und Unternehmensanleihen? Sehen Sie sich unser neuestes Video über die Aussichten für Anleihen im laufenden Jahr an.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-Jan-2025

Is 2025 (finally) the Year of the Bond? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
The last five years have been full of surprises. In their Bulletin, the Broad Markets Fixed Income Team reviews the past month and looks ahead to 2025.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-Dez-2024

Video: Now We Wait 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
What do changes in the global economy and policy uncertainty mean for fixed income markets in 2025? In our latest video, we discuss how these factors may influence markets and the steps we’re taking to navigate rising complexity in the upcoming year.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  17-Dez-2024

Now We Wait 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
How will bond markets decipher the true state of economy and the scale of the incoming administration's polies? The Broad Market Fixed Income Team explores.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  22-Nov-2024

Video: Riding the Rollercoaster 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
In his November video bulletin, Chief Investment officer Michael Kushma shares his thoughts on where fixed income markets may be heading now that the US presidential election has passed. Watch to find out why he’s focused on three key themes: Trumponomics 2.0, steepening yield curves and areas of opportunity for fixed income investors.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  21-Nov-2024

Riding the Rollercoaster 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explores the implications of the U.S. elections for bond investors.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-Okt-2024

Video: Goldilocks Redux? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Is market optimism about rates too high? Find out why high volatility potential and tight spreads are making us choosier about bonds.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-Okt-2024

Goldilocks Redux? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explores the impact of the Fed's Sepember rate cuts for fixed income investors.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  24-Sep-2024

Video: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
When the Fed says "cut," investors ask "How deep?" Find out where we stand on current rate forecasts, plus our outlook for the credit market and the US dollar.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  18-Sep-2024

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Fixed income put in another solid performance in August despite unprecedented volatility in the first two weeks. The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explores.

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Video: Can the Fed Take Home a Gold? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Explore the latest expectations for Fed rate cuts, reasons to closely watch the US elections, and why we continue to favor short-duration credit.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  12-Aug-2024

Can the Fed Take Home a Gold? 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Despite central bank’s reluctance to pre-commit to policy paths, bond investors’ optimism has increased. The Broad Market Fixed Income Team explores.

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Video: Roller Coaster Continues as Elections Generate Volatility 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Co-Head of Broad Markets Fixed Income Vishal Khanduja discusses the probability for a U.S. soft landing, the heightened political uncertainty and how investors should think about positioning for volatility.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  16-Jul-2024

Roller Coaster Continues as Elections Generate Volatility 

Fixed Income
June was a mixed month for fixed income. Lower US yields were supported by weaker-than-expected inflation and increased market expectations of further rate cuts.What was the impact on fixed income markets? The Broad Markets Fixed Income team explains.

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Video: Lost in the Forest 

Fixed Income Team, Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
The market is pricing in rate cuts for the U.S., as global central banks move to ease policy. But are investors getting ahead of themselves? The Federal Reserve remains cautious, and hard data suggests rate-cut delays – not cuts. Will markets reassess their views? Will the Fed change tact? And will rate uncertainty affect opportunities within global fixed income?

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  14-Jun-2024

Lost in the Forest 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Despite still high levels of growth and inflation (relative to targets), bond investors have become optimistic about future Fed policy. What is the impact on fixed income markets? The Broad Markets Fixed Income team explains.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  13-Mai-2024

All Not So Quiet on the Western Front 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
The shift in expectations for rate cuts was felt across the world as yields rose in both the developed and emerging markets. The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explores the impact on investors.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  10-Apr-2024

We’ll take your word for it 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Bonds seem to be much more attractive now than they were in early January. The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explains.

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Global Fixed Income Bulletin  •  12-Mär-2024

Decision Time 

Broad Markets Fixed Income Team
Yields were broadly higher across the globe in February, as market participants recalibrated their expectations for rate cuts this year. The Broad Markets Fixed Income Team explores the impact on markets.

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Our fixed income investment capabilities are driven by seven specialized teams – Agency MBS, Broad Markets Fixed Income, Emerging Markets, Floating-Rate Loans, High Yield, Municipals, and Securitized – which span the global fixed income capital markets.

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