You Can’t Manage Portfolio Risk Without Seeing the Big Picture

Jan 13, 2025

What if there were a resource that could show you where your investment exposures are and how they might affect your returns in different scenarios?

Key Takeaways

  • Many investors struggle to weigh the potential risks and gauge how adverse events might affect their portfolio
  • Morgan Stanley’s Portfolio Risk Platform can help you get a better idea of the risks you may face, as well as how to mitigate them.
  • The platform can help you make decisions about reallocating assets, making new investments, or staying the course, depending on your situation, goals and preferences.

One of the fundamental lessons of investing is the importance of balancing portfolio risk—the possibility that the investments you own won’t perform as you expect—with the potential for returns. Your appetite for risk in your portfolio, which may range from defensive positioning to mitigate losses to going all-in for growth potential, should be a primary consideration when deciding on investments. Morgan Stanley’s Portfolio Risk Platform can help you get a better idea of the risks you may face, as well as how to mitigate them.


Many investors struggle to weigh potential risks and gauge how adverse events might affect their portfolio. After all, it’s not easy to foresee both financial and personal challenges that may arise due to market volatility.


Morgan Stanley’s Portfolio Risk Platform combines our industry expertise with BlackRock’s Aladdin Risk Engine to provide a single solution that helps you see the potential impact of historical and hypothetical market shocks on your portfolio. The platform utilizes thousands of potential risk factors to help you and your Financial Advisor understand how risk may affect your portfolio, including investments you hold with Morgan Stanley and externally.

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With the information provided, you can then make decisions about reallocating assets, making new investments, or staying the course, depending on your situation, goals and preferences. It’s a game changer for many investors.


“What we’re able to show investors is critical,” says Chris Scott-Hansen, Managing Director and Head of Trading and Managed Solutions. “First, we can show them where they are on the risk spectrum, as well as what’s driving that risk. We can give them a benchmark perspective of where other clients like them are, as well as where they should be, based on what we know about them and their goals.”


The platform’s analysis can also show where risk is emanating from, such as whether a particular stock or sector exposure is cause for concern. Ultimately, Financial Advisors and their clients can make smarter, more informed financial decisions, Scott-Hansen says. The Portfolio Risk Platform has also gained industry attention, earning ten industry awards for its innovative approach to measuring risk.


Contact your Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor to learn how the Portfolio Risk Platform can help you identify and better understand risk in your portfolio.

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