
Arjun Saigal is a Managing Director of Morgan Stanley and serves as Co-Head of Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia ex-China, where he leads strategic investments across India and other Asian markets, excluding China. Mr. Saigal has over 21 years of industry experience. Since joining the firm in 2012, he contributed significantly to the development of the firm’s private equity presence in India, leading key investments in Centrum Housing, Five Star, Kogta Financials, Omega Hospitals, Southern Health Foods, Sahajanad Medical Technologies, and Sterling Accuris. 

Mr. Saigal currently serves on the board of Centrum Housing, Kogta Financials, Omega Hospitals, Southern Health Foods, and Sterling Accuris. 

Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Mr. Saigal was with Baring Private Equity Partners India and before that was with Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Mr. Saigal is based in Mumbai. Mr. Saigal is a graduate of the London School of Economics and received his M.B.A. from Columbia Business School.

Arjun is a member of the Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia Team

May not represent all Team Members.

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