Active Fundamental Equity
Japanese Value Equity Strategy
Japanese Value Equity Strategy |
Active Fundamental Equity
Japanese Value Equity Strategy
The team believes that the broad Japanese equity universe is inefficiently valued. Over the long term, however, the team believes that the price of an asset will revert to its true intrinsic value, thereby offering investors in undervalued stocks the potential opportunity for superior returns.
A highly-experienced investment team |
The team’s 27 investment professionals have an average 14 years investment experience. |
High conviction approach |
Portfolios are conviction based; those stocks we believe have the greatest potential make up a larger part of the portfolio. |
Risk-aware portfolio construction |
Final portfolio weights will take in to consideration the total risk of the portfolio in addition to the index weights and conviction levels for individual stocks. |
1 | Universe |
Approximately 1000 stocks are pre-selected from all listed Japanese stocks based on liquidity and capitalization. |
2 | Quantitative Screening |
The team selects ‘Research Targets’ based on a rich-cheap screen. |
3 | Profit Cycle Analysis |
The team then performs a combination of fundamental analysis and interaction with company management identifies companies with an improving Profit Cycle outlook. |
4 | Portfolio Construction |
The team follows a discretionary process, in which the lead portfolio manager weights the merits of investment targets along with overall portfolio risk, as assessed by Barra. |
5 | Portfolio Analysis |
Finally the team assembles feedback of performance measures and factor analysis. |