Solutions & Multi-Asset
Multi-Asset Real Return Strategy
Multi-Asset Real Return Strategy |
Solutions & Multi-Asset
Multi-Asset Real Return Strategy
The Global Multi-Asset Team believes that a renewed rise in inflation would be a surprise for markets. Most portfolios are structurally underexposed to inflation hedges, and overexposed to deflation hedges. Meanwhile, the skew of inflation vs. deflation risks is now more balanced. In fact, odds of higher inflation may outweigh deflation over the next several years. Our diversified core holdings offer better inflation protection than commonly used, but less optimal, inflation hedges such as REITs and infrastructure which can be adversely impacted by higher rates. In addition, dynamic management of allocations may mitigate risk during inevitable periods of disinflation during cyclical downturns.
1) Core holdings designed to offer superior sensitivity to inflation and are balanced between growth-sensitive and defensive assets. |
2) Dynamic management allows us to optimize portfolio for macro conditions. |
3) Experienced team with a fundamental, discretionary, macro-driven approach, focused on risk control. |
Effective January 22, 2024, the Strategy is managed by Cyril Moulle-Berteaux and Mark Bavoso. Prior to this date, Sergei Parmenov served as co-portfolio manager.
On August 31, 2021 the Strategy was transitioned to the Global Multi-Asset Team.