Level 2.
Valuations based on one or more quoted prices in
markets that are not active or for which all significant inputs are
observable, either directly or indirectly.
Level 3.
Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable and
significant to the overall fair value measurement.
The availability of observable inputs can vary from product to
product and is affected by a wide variety of factors, including,
the type of product, whether the product is new and not yet
established in the marketplace, the liquidity of markets and other
characteristics particular to the product. To the extent that
valuation is based on models or inputs that are less observable or
unobservable in the market, the determination of fair value
requires more judgment. Accordingly, the degree of judgment
exercised by the Company in determining fair value is greatest
for instruments categorized in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.
The Company considers prices and inputs that are current as of
the measurement date, including during periods of market
dislocation. In periods of market dislocation, the observability of
prices and inputs may be reduced for many instruments. This
condition could cause an instrument to be reclassified from Level
1 to Level 2 or from Level 2 to Level 3 of the fair value
hierarchy. For additional information, see Note
In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall
into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, the
total fair value amount is disclosed in the level appropriate for
the lowest level input that is significant to the total fair value of
the asset or liability.
Valuation Techniques
OTC derivative contracts have bid and ask prices that can be
observed in the marketplace. Bid prices reflect the highest price
that a party is willing to pay for an asset. Ask prices represent the
lowest price that a party is willing to accept for an asset. The
Company carries positions at the point within the bid-ask range
that meets its best estimate of fair value. For offsetting positions
in the same financial instrument, the same price within the bid-
ask spread is used to measure both the long and short positions.
Fair value for OTC derivative contracts is derived using pricing
models. Pricing models take into account the contract terms, as
well as multiple inputs, including, where applicable, commodity
prices, equity prices, interest rate yield curves, correlation, option
volatility, and currency rates.
Where appropriate, valuation adjustments are made to account
for various factors such as liquidity risk (bid-ask adjustments),
credit quality, model uncertainty and concentration risk and
funding in order to arrive at fair value. Adjustments for liquidity
risk adjust model-derived mid-market amounts of Level 2 and
Level 3 financial instruments for the bid-mid or mid-ask spread
required to properly reflect the exit price of a risk position. Bid-
mid and mid-ask spreads are marked to levels observed in trade
activity, broker quotes or other external third-party data. Where
these spreads are unobservable for the particular position in
question, spreads are derived from observable levels of similar
The Company applies credit-related valuation adjustments to its
Borrowings (structured notes) for which the fair value option
was elected. The Company considers the impact of changes in its
own credit spreads based upon observations of the secondary
bond market spreads when measuring the fair value for
Borrowings. Such credit risk considerations do not impact the
valuation of derivative transactions with the Parent as credit risk
would not impact the exit price.
Adjustments for model uncertainty are taken for positions whose
underlying models are reliant on significant inputs that are
neither directly nor indirectly observable, hence requiring
reliance on established theoretical concepts in their derivation.
These adjustments are derived by making assessments of the
possible degree of variability using statistical approaches and
market-based information where possible.
See Note 4 for a description of valuation techniques applied to
the major categories of financial instruments measured at fair
Interest Income and Expense
Interest income and Interest expense are accrued for interest-
earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities, including Notes
receivable, Receivables and Payables with the Parent, and
Interest income and Interest expense are recorded within the
Company’s statements of comprehensive income
depending on
the nature of the instrument and related market conventions.
When interest is included as a component of the instruments’ fair
value, interest is included within Trading revenues. Otherwise, it
is included within Interest income or Interest expense.
Offsetting of Derivative Instruments
In connection with its derivative activities with the Parent, the
Company enters into a master netting agreement with the Parent.
This agreement provides the Company with the right, in the
event of a default by the Parent, to net Parent’s rights and
obligations under the agreement and to liquidate against any net
amount owed by the Parent.
For further information related to offsetting of derivatives, see
Note 6.
Income Taxes
The Company is a single-member limited liability company that
is treated as a disregarded entity for federal income tax purposes.
All current and deferred taxes have been accrued by the Parent.
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